Top 60 Amazing Thankful Quotes Vol.03

1. The trick is to be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low. - Richard Carlson 

2. Certainly my parents were a huge influence. They always expected the most out of all of us. And expected us to do our very best. I'm thankful to them for allowing me to do what I wanted to do. - Laurel Clark 

3. We sing a little song before we eat, a little blessing before we eat, and it's really - we're thanking the Lord and the Earth for the food that we eat, and it really brings you together in a profound kind of way. - Phil Lesh 

4. I'm thankful for serendipitous moments in my life, where things could've gone the other way. - Rick Springfield 

5. Should it happen tomorrow, I would fall to my knees to give thanks to God for such a career. - Placido Domingo

6. The act is unjustifiable that either begs for a blessing, or, having succeeded gives no thanksgiving. - Merle Shain 

7. I'm thankful to be breathing, on this side of the grass. Whatever comes, comes. - Ron Perlman 

8. Every one of our greatest national treasures, our liberty, enterprise, vitality, wealth, military power, global authority, flow from a surprising source: our ability to give thanks. - Tony Snow 

9. As we look forward to freedom, the shining city on the hill and the best days of America lying ahead, it is the men and women in uniform who protect, defend and make us proud to whom we should look and give thanks every night. - Robin Hayes 

10. Such lovely warmth of thought and delicacy of colour are beyond all praise, and equally beyond all thanks! - Marie Corelli 

11. I mean you got to thank your parents for giving you the right genes. - Eric Heiden 

12. Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. - Oprah Winfrey 

13. Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. - Will Rogers 

14. In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. - Albert Schweitzer 

15. I've been blessed in that regard through and through. So I'm just thankful for this opportunity to play the game that I love and share that with the world. - Stephen Curry 

16. In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. - H. L. Mencken 

17. We are in a wrong state of mind if we are not in a thankful state of mind. - Charles Spurgeon 

18. There is such a thing as 'thanks-feeling' - feeling thankful. This ought to be the general, universal spirit of the Christian. - Charles Spurgeon 

19. In my generation, thankfully, as somebody who served in the Afghanistan War, would have served in the Iraq War, if called to do so - was also strongly against the Iraq War, from the beginning - I'm so thankful that we live in a moment that we can honor the troops separately from policy. - Pete Buttigieg 

20. The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest. - William Blake

 21. I suffer the mortification of seeing myself attacked right and left by people at home professing patriotism and love of country who never heard the whistle of a hostile bullet. I pity them and the nation dependent on such for its existence. I am thankful, however that, though such people make a great noise, the masses are not like them. - Ulysses S. Grant 

22. I understand that being able to appeal to the public and having an amazing sense of humor is not something that comes easy. It's definitely a gift and for which I'm thankful. - Kevin Hart 

23. We've always had each other's backs in and out of competition. We support each other the most because we're the only ones that know what it's like to go through what we do, and so we can't be more thankful for each other. We're like sisters. - Simone Biles 

24. The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I'm thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes. They restore my faith in the family's future. - Jackie Kennedy 

25. Many times I sit back and say, 'I can't believe that this is my life!' Other times, I feel self-satisfied. I mean, there's a lot to be proud and thankful for but, nonetheless, it's just a life! - Lily Tomlin 

26. If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share. - W. Clement Stone 

27. No matter what, our American Army is so big, and we are so very thankful to them. - Suga 

28. While the women of the older generation were thankful if only they succeeded in obtaining 'a work and a duty,' however monotonous and wearing it might be, the will of the younger generation for a pleasurable labor has fortunately increased. - Ellen Key 

29. I'm thankful enough or blessed enough to be able to say that Miles Davis was a friend when he was alive, and he was a wonderful mentor and really, really funny, you know. - Prince 

30. I did not break up the Beatles. You can't have it both ways. If you're going to blame me for breaking the Beatles up, you should be thankful that I made them into myth rather than a crumbling group. - Yoko Ono 

31. I'm very thankful that I can make people happy just by signing my name. - Yoko Ono 

32. Fame is a funny thing. I like doing normal things. I like going to fairs. I like going to ball games. I like going to Disney World or a big field on the Fourth of July and having picnics with friends. The problem is you're either worried you're going to be recognized, or you're thankful you're not. It's always there. - Chris Evans 

33. Those men and women are fortunate who are born at a time when a great struggle for human freedom is in progress. It is an added good fortune to have parents who take a personal part in the great movements of their time. I am glad and thankful that this was my case. - Emmeline Pankhurst 

34. I'm so thankful for the Internet because actors and singers and performers now have a way to connect with their fans on a very personal level which I think is quite special. - Ariana Grande 

35. God has blessed me with an unbelievable talent, with fast feet, fast hands, unbelievable defense and a very, very sharp mind. So I'm thankful for that. - Floyd Mayweather, Jr. 

36. I realized this is what God has dealt me, and I should be thankful considering all that's happened to me in my life, but MS caused the movies to stop - stop dead - and I miss it. - Richard Pryor 

37. Talent is God-given; be humble. Fame is man-given; be thankful. Conceit is self-given; be careful. - Harvey Mackay 

38. I'm thankful for the experience and to be able to coach other young people on their journey through college football. It's a privilege. - Dabo Swinney 

39. I have a lot to be thankful for. I am healthy, happy and I am loved. - Reba McEntire 

40. Why I got into music was James Taylor, so to see him be a real down-to-earth guy that's unbelievably talented... then to hear him sing those lyrics of 'What I'm Thankful For,' which is a song Ms. Yearwood and I got to write together, that was definitely a highlight of my recording life. - Garth Brooks 

41. I pray to start my day and finish it in prayer. I'm just thankful for everything, all the blessings in my life, trying to stay that way. I think that's the best way to start your day and finish your day. It keeps everything in perspective. - Tim Tebow 

42. My fans have made all my career moments special for me. They are the ones that have gotten me through every single thing - good times and bad, they are who I go to and lean on. I am very thankful for that. - Mariah Carey 

43. You can expect nothing in being a musician, and you have to be just very thankful every time it goes positively for you. - Halsey 

44. Both of my grandfathers were in the service. It's one of those things that you can't be thankful enough for. - Luke Combs 

45. I'm thankful to be here in Cleveland, and I believe this is where I belong. - Josh Gordon 

46. We can be thankful President Barack Obama is taking aim at one of the prime causes of climate change and extreme weather: air pollution. The EPA's carbon pollution standards are the most significant step forward our country has ever taken to protect our health by addressing climate change. - Donna Brazile 

47. It's ironic that when you go through a tragedy, you appreciate more. You realize how fragile life is and that there are so many things to still be thankful for. - Adam Grant 

48. There's a lot of women in the WNBA. There's a lot of women who could be here. To be voted by the fans says a lot - that people are aware of what's going on. I'm really thankful. I think they just really appreciate my talent so I'm definitely grateful. - Lisa Leslie 

49. I'm very thankful for the platform I've been given, and I realize that I'm a role model for many people. I want to use my platform to spread positivity. - James Charles 

50. I started making work that I assumed would be far too garish, far too decadent, far too black for the world to care about. I, to this day, am thankful to whatever force there is out there that allows me to get away with painting the stories of people like me. - Kehinde Wiley 

51. Thankfully, we didn't stop at Malta. I think Malta was thankful, too. - Spike Milligan 

52. Just don't let the hype of what people are saying and how much they love you, y'know, just take the compliment and be thankful that people are complimenting you, but don't let it consume you; don't let your circumstances around you and the way people view you make you act a certain way. - Mary J. Blige 

53. It's deeper than the music when it comes to me and Mustard. He's like a big brother, and I'm so thankful to have a mentor like him to advise me. Even though he gives me a lot of creative control, I always go to him like, 'Do you like this?' It's so cool that it's always a collaborative effort. He never makes me feel pressured or anything. - Ella Mai 

54. If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get. - Frank A. Clark 

55. Radio got behind me, and I'm very thankful for it. - Kane Brown 

56. Everyone loves to praise me on my character, which I'm so thankful for. But that's a true testament speaking to my parents, how they raised me. - Saquon Barkley 

57. I'm thankful to God that my life changed, but I'm also still on my grind. - Tory Lanez 

58. I think everything is going to be devastatingly sad - when the phone rings, I know somebody in my family's been hurt, somebody's going to die. I'm sure a therapist would go, 'That's not a good way to live,' but every time it's not that bad thing, I'm so thankful and appreciative. - Sandra Bullock 

59. I think, every time I'm on the mountain, I'm just so thankful to be there. - Chloe Kim 

60. I'm so happy to have all this support from everyone around the world, and I'm forever thankful for all of them. - Chloe Kim

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