Top 100 Amazing Technology Quotes Vol.04

1. Technology has allowed people to make records really cheap. You can make a record on a laptop. - David Byrne 

2. Forces that you might think are utterly unrelated to creativity can have a big impact. Technology, obviously, but environment, too. Even financial structures can affect the actual content of a song. The making of music is profoundly affected by the market. - David Byrne 

3. Before recording technology existed, you could not separate music from its social context. - David Byrne 

4. I think the Internet and technology in general has changed everything. We can see it overseas even more with the Arab Spring and so forth. - Jane Fonda 

5. Technology teaches passivity. Absorbed in our devices - at any age - we are absorbed in someone else's perspective. - Julia Cameron 

6. Technology, outsourcing, a growing temp staffing industry, productivity efficiencies, have all replaced the middle class. - James Altucher 

7. Turtles are very stable and have been around forever. But they have problems adapting. When humans came along, turtles came under serious threat. Biodiversity is good, and I think it is good in technology as well. - Linus Torvalds

8. I'm a technical manager, but I don't have to take care of people. I only have to worry about technology itself. - Linus Torvalds 

9. I'm interested in Linux because of the technology, and Linux wasn't started as any kind of rebellion against the 'evil Microsoft empire.' - Linus Torvalds 

10. In the harshness of the world of technology - in which feelings do not count anymore - the hope for a saving love grows, a love which would be given freely and generously. - Pope Benedict XVI 

11. We are witnessing a seismic change in consumer behavior. That change is being brought about by technology and the access people have to information. - Howard Schultz 

12. We shouldn't build a technology to colour, or grey out, what people say. The media in general is balanced, although there are a lot of issues to be addressed that the media rightly pick up on. - Tim Berners-Lee 

13. We are involved in technology development for, you know, missions that we hope to plan that would take us to an asteroid and eventually to Mars. - Ellen Ochoa 

14. I hope to continue to inspire our nation's youth to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math so they, too, may reach for the stars. - Ellen Ochoa 

15. It's hard to pay attention these days because of multiple affects of the information technology nowadays. You tend to develop a faster, speedier mind, but I don't think it's necessarily broader or smarter. - Robert Redford 

16. The technology available for film-making now is incredible, but I am a big believer that it's all in the story. - Robert Redford 

17. It wasn't like I was specifically wanting to write songs about technology. It's just what I lived, what I was experiencing growing up. - Khalid 

18. I don't care about the internal political system of the United States. I want to be a friend of United States, of its baseball, its institutions, its rock and roll, its workers, and its technology because we need it. I want to be friends of the Arab people, of the Persian people, of the Asian people. - Hugo Chavez 

19. Things go wrong for me all the time with technology. I'm not familiar enough with it, and I'm too old-school a brain to be able to figure it out. I'm dumb. Anything that I have to attack with my thumbs, for any period of time, makes me feel stupid. So, I try to avoid it, as much as possible, to protect my thumbs. - Johnny Depp 

20. You cannot blame the mismanagement of the economy or the fact that we have not invested adequately in education in order to give our people the knowledge, the skills and the technology that they need in order to be able to use the resources that Africa has to gain wealth. - Wangari Maathai 

21. Technology is huge; I wanted to learn about it. People might say that's odd, but I think it's odd if artists aren't interested in the world around them. I'm always chasing that. - Bono 

22. Facebook are an amazing team, a brilliant team. It's a technology that brings people together. - Bono 

23. What really turns me on about technology is not just the ability to get more songs on MP3 players. The revolution - this revolution - is much bigger than that. I hope, I believe. What turns me on about the digital age, what excites me personally, is that you have closed the gap between dreaming and doing. - Bono 

24. We have to face the fact that countries are going to lose jobs to robotics. The only question that needs to be answered is which country will create and own the best robotic technology and have the infrastructure necessary to enable it. - Mark Cuban 

25. Which European leader today would not relish the wonder-working powers of a Moses? Budget deficit? Unpopular cuts? How about just a little miracle, an overnight increase in gold reserves, a new oil field, or the next world-changing communications technology? Surely that's not too much to ask. - Jonathan Sacks 

26. I try to be objective about technology. Agnostic, in a sense. Whatever personal opinions I form tend to have more to do with what we find to do with the new thing. - William Gibson 

27. As a writer of fiction who deals with technology, I necessarily deal with the history of technology and the history of technologically induced social change. I roam up and down it in a kind of special way because I roam down it into history, which is invariably itself a speculative affair. - William Gibson 

28. When I write a scientific treatise, I might reach 100 people. When the 'National Geographic' covers a project, it communicates about plants and fish and underwater technology to more than 10 million people. - Sylvia Earle 

29. And so when I moved to IBM, I moved because I thought I could apply technology. I didn't actually have to do my engineer - I was an electrical engineer, but I could apply it. And that was when I changed. And when I got there, though, I have to say, at the time, I really never felt there was a constraint about being a woman. I really did not. - Ginni Rometty 

30. IBM's long-standing mantra is 'Think.' What has always made IBM a fascinating and compelling place for me, is the passion of the company, and its people, to apply technology and scientific thinking to major societal issues. - Ginni Rometty 

31. What has always made IBM a fascinating and compelling place for me is the passion of the company, and its people, to apply technology and scientific thinking to major societal issues. - Ginni Rometty 

32. The amazing thing about IBM is that it's a company where I have had 10 different careers - local jobs, global jobs, technology jobs, industry jobs, financial services, insurance, start-ups, big scale. The network of talent around you is phenomenal. - Ginni Rometty 

33. If you step back and look at technology from every era, it has displaced jobs but also created a lot of jobs. - Ginni Rometty 

34. This idea of 'New Collar' says for the jobs of the future here, there are many in technology that can be done without a four-year college degree and, therefore, 'New Collar' not 'Blue Collar,' 'White Collar.' It's 'New Collar.' - Ginni Rometty 

35. India will not be at the center - it will be the center of this fourth technology shift. - Ginni Rometty 

36. Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we'll augment our intelligence. - Ginni Rometty 

37. Why fight technology at all? The audience is always going to tell you what they like best. And you, as a storyteller, as a communicator, are going to be required to adjust to that. - Ron Howard 

38. I'm excited about what technology is offering storytellers and movie- and TV-makers. - Ron Howard 

39. It's not the music you hear in your head that other people are going to hear. You have to be able to make it true enough to the image in your head, and that's where technique and technology come in, for sure, and knowledge. It's not true and will never be true that someone who knows nothing can sit in a basement and make great music. - Neil Peart 

40. What it takes to get people from liking and sharing and retweeting to organizing is a hard and long process. Technology has really changed the game in terms of how people participate and what they decide to participate in. - Alicia Garza 

41. The purpose of the mission must be thoroughly understood beforehand, and the men must be inspired with a sense of personal dedication that knows no limitations... In an age of high technology and Jedi Knights, we often overlook the need for personal involvement, but we do so at our own risk. - William H. McRaven 

42. Technology adds nothing to art. - Penn Jillette 

43. For the most part, any serious magic show is not using very much technology newer than theatrical lights. - Penn Jillette 

44. My body really, really wanted to reproduce when I was 15. It took a lot of civilization, socialization, willpower and some emulsion polymerization technology for me not to reproduce at 15. - Penn Jillette 

45. I'm not really gadget oriented. I'm not into technology or computers. I'm not good at interfacing with that sort of gear. - Nicolas Cage 

46. I use technology for communication, but I don't have a Blackberry or an iPhone. I use an outdated cell phone, but I'm fine with it. - Nicolas Cage 

47. We live in an age of technology and science that demands proof, and yet we desire mystery. But when God gives us mystery, we seek to destroy it by gross indifference or childish reasoning. - Mother Angelica 

48. I hear the same anxieties over and over again. Everything is too fast; everything is too precarious. We have more access than ever to the people we are trying to reach, thanks to social media and mobile technology, and more information than we know what to do with. - Anna Wintour 

49. I love technology. - William Shatner 

50. When you've done the technical part, you're then into the joy, the zen, into being. Technology no longer exists for you. You're then into the mystery of the thing you're doing. - William Shatner 

51. I love technology. Matches, to light a fire, is really high tech. The wheel is really one of the great inventions of all time. Other than that, I am an ignoramus about technology. - William Shatner 

52. Something is wrong that we have to feed so many. Why should there be poverty with all of our science and technology? There is no deficit in human resources - it is a deficit in human will. - Coretta Scott King 

53. Roman civilization had achieved, within the bounds of its technology, relatively as great a mastery of time and space as we have achieved today. - Arthur Erickson 

54. Today's action hero, his skills are through technology. He can fly, he can throw a bolt of lightning, he can freeze people. - Sylvester Stallone 

55. I know we're all addicted to our smartphones, and I'll say, if I forget my smartphone, I go home and get it. And so understanding how to integrate that technology into the driving experience, both the front seat and the passenger seat and the back seat, I think is very important. - Mary Barra 

56. I'm happy doing stand-up, but I'll probably do a television show eventually. If not, I'll delve into this Internet world and decide best how to harness it. What I like best about it is the independent movie style and the ability to just be completely reckless within that world. I like that a lot. I just have to acquaint myself with technology. - Norm MacDonald 

57. When digital technology started becoming the norm, you've got 50, 60, 70 years of recordings on tapes that are just deteriorating. Like, a two-inch reel of recording tape won't last forever. It dissolves. It will disappear. - Dave Grohl 

58. Most serious writers refuse to make themselves available to the things that technology is doing. I've never been able to understand this sort of fear. - William S. Burroughs 

59. The purpose of technology is not to confuse the brain but to serve the body. - William S. Burroughs 

60. The immediacy of the technology of the web allows us, as songwriters, to write something very sharp and quick. That has a lot to do with helping a songwriter be more reflective of reality, instead of being in an area where you have to process things. It's the difference between processing fish and catching it in a boat. - Chuck D 

61. Technology has a great advantage in that we are capable of creating dinosaurs and show them on the screen even though they are extinct 65 million years. All of a sudden, we have a fantastic tool that is as good as dreams are. - Werner Herzog 

62. There used to be this country called the Soviet Union; it's not there anymore. Our technology was better than theirs. - Tom Clancy

63. The human condition today is better than it's ever been, and technology is one of the reasons for that. - Tom Clancy 

64. There was a time when nails were high-tech. There was a time when people had to be told how to use a telephone. Technology is just a tool. People use tools to improve their lives. - Tom Clancy 

65. People live longer today than they ever have. They live happier lives, have more knowledge, more information. All this is the result of communications technology. How is any of that bad? - Tom Clancy 

66. I think that, hundreds of years from now, if people invent a technology that we haven't heard of yet, maybe a computer could turn evil. But the future is so uncertain. I don't know what's going to happen five years from now. The reason I say that I don't worry about AI turning evil is the same reason I don't worry about overpopulation on Mars. - Andrew Ng 

67. Baidu and Google are great companies, but there are a lot of things you can do outside them. Just as electricity and the Internet transformed the world, I think the rise of modern A.I. technology will create a lot of opportunities both for new startups and for incumbent companies to transform. - Andrew Ng 

68. A lot of the game of AI today is finding the appropriate business context to fit it in. I love technology. It opens up lots of opportunities. But in the end, technology needs to be contextualized and fit into a business use case. - Andrew Ng 

69. In terms of building consumer products, the U.S. and China are ahead of India. The interesting opportunity for India is whenever there is a disruption in technology, it gives every country a chance to leapfrog and take a lead. To take an example, China is leaping ahead in growing the China electric vehicle ecosystem. - Andrew Ng 

70. The way AI complements people's work, it actually creates a lot of new jobs, a lot of demand. For example, if a automatic visual inspection technology helps spot flaws in manufacturing parts, I think that in some cases, this does create a lot more demand for people to come in to rework or to fix some of the parts that an AI has found to be flawed. - Andrew Ng 

71. If science fiction is the mythology of modern technology, then its myth is tragic. - Ursula K. Le Guin 

72. The underlying principles of strategy are enduring, regardless of technology or the pace of change. - Michael Porter 

73. If your goal is anything but profitability - if it's to be big, or to grow fast, or to become a technology leader - you'll hit problems. - Michael Porter 

74. Technology has given us this wonderful opportunity to have low energy costs. We have to seize that, rather than keep debating and discussing and fighting over it. - Michael Porter 

75. I love the modern technology now. - Ringo Starr 

76. I started as a child, in this PBS series 'Voyage of the Mimi,' which led to driving down to New York for 'Afterschool Special' auditions, which led to moving to Los Angeles. I wanted to be an actor. But in L.A., I got into film technology, and I was building cheap editing systems and would edit my friend's acting reels. - Ben Affleck 

77. Everybody in technology seems to want big numbers. Steve never got carried away with that. He focused on making the best. - Tim Cook 

78. It gives me a lot of energy to talk to developers or meet students in classrooms who are using our technology to help learn faster and better. Watching them pursue their passion. - Tim Cook 

79. While infusing technology with humanity, we are trying to make sure it's used for good and also trying to foresee some of the ways it can be used in a bad way and eliminate those. - Tim Cook 

80. All of us technology companies need to create some tools that help diminish the volume of fake news. We must try to squeeze this without stepping on freedom of speech and of the press, but we must also help the reader. - Tim Cook 

81. We generally acquire a company every three to four weeks on average. And so it's a rare month that there's not a company being bought. We typically buy for technology and really great people. - Tim Cook 

82. Very much, string theory is simply a work in progress. What we are inching toward every day are predictions that within the realm of current technology we hope to test. It's not like we're working on a theory that is permanently beyond experiment. That would be philosophy. - Brian Greene 

83. I'm very good with technology, I always have been, and with machines in general. They seem not threatening like other people find them, but a source of fun and amusement. - Brian Eno 

84. I'm always interested in what you can do with technology that people haven't thought of doing yet. - Brian Eno 

85. You can't really imagine music without technology. - Brian Eno

 86. I'm always interested in what you can do with technology that people haven't thought of doing yet. I think that's sort of a characteristic of the way I've worked ever since I started. - Brian Eno 

87. I think that technology is always invented for historical reasons, to solve a historical problem. But they very soon reveal themselves to be capable of doing things that aren't historical that nobody had ever thought of doing before. - Brian Eno 

88. I knew that, when writing a book, you're not constrained by a budget. You're not constrained by what you can do, in terms of the special effects technology. You're not limited to any particular running time. - George R. R. Martin 

89. The combination of hatred and technology is the greatest danger threatening mankind. - Simon Wiesenthal 

90. I love the new technology. New things give you a reason to want to go to the studio. New challenges mean you have to keep up, you know? - Dr. Dre 

91. I was born in the technology era. - Maluma 

92. With the world's human population now at seven billion and growing, and the demand for technology and modern conveniences increasing, we can't control all our negative impacts. But we have to find better ways to live within the limits nature and its cycles impose. - David Suzuki 

93. There are more humans than all of the rabbits on earth. There are more of us than all the wildebeests, than all the rats, than all the mice. We are the most numerous mammal on the planet. But because we're not like rabbits or rats or mice, we have technology, we have a consumptive appetite, we have a global economy. - David Suzuki 

94. Scientists and supercomputers have amplified our ability to look ahead. For decades, experts have warned us that human numbers, technology, hyper-consumption and a global economy are altering the chemical, geological, and biological properties of the biosphere. - David Suzuki 

95. Once you understand that Goliath is much weaker than you think he is, and David has superior technology, then you say: why do we tell the story the way we do? It becomes, actually, a far more meaningful and important story in its retelling than in the kind of unsophisticated way we've done it for, I think, too long. - Malcolm Gladwell 

96. All of technology, really, is about maximizing free options. - Nassim Nicholas Taleb 

97. The Internet allows the small guy a global marketplace. But technology is harmful in the sense that we get too much information from it. Because of the web we get 10 times the amount of noise we ever got, which makes harmful fallacies far more likely. - Nassim Nicholas Taleb 

98. I can tell you, Obamacare, I have been stunned by the pratfalls associated with its implementation. I simply can't understand how a president that had such an effective technology campaign and has such support among the technology community members could have put in place the implementation of Obamacare as ineffectively as he did. - Mitt Romney 

99. Consulting offered me an opportunity to see a lot of different businesses in different regions of the world, to see how textiles were being affected by foreign competition, how technology was changing. - Mitt Romney 

100. Technology's related to everything. Technology is making the world more accessible, so yeah, as generations go by, they'll become more and more married to each other, for sure. I think they go hand in hand - fashion inspires design, and technology inspires design as well. - Justin Timberlake

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