Top 100 Amazing Technology Quotes Vol.03


1. People gravitate to what they believe to be popular... Technology is enabling even more of that. - Bob Iger 

2. Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the same process as the universe. - Alan Watts 

3. I don't really have a writing process. I don't write at all but, honestly, I feel like it's a modern-day writing because everything is technology and if I go in there and freestyle and I keep it, I feel like I wrote that. If I go in there and fix it, it's almost like something I wrote. - Lil Baby 

4. Whether one welcomes or deplores it, nothing is more surely and exactly characteristic of modern times than the irresistible invasion of the human world by technology. Mechanism invading like a tide all the places of the earth and all forms of social activity. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

5. If technology and medicine are used by women to have children or not to have children or to have healthier children - that's one thing. But if it's used to say, 'You're not a real woman unless you have a child; therefore, take all these dangerous hormones and have one at 54,' then it's another story. - Gloria Steinem

6. TiVo and other digital recording devices have confounded advertisers. The ad industry sees the technology as a threat to their product. - Simon Sinek 

7. Whatever it is that leads human beings to hate, to destroy, and to kill has taken on a collective force like never before, as technology and globalization now give it the capacity to not just strike, but to strike us all, together, as one. - Marianne Williamson 

8. If that's there, I believe that technology will probably step up to their part of it. - Neil Armstrong 

9. The two great aims of industrialism - replacement of people by technology and concentration of wealth into the hands of a small plutocracy - seem close to fulfillment. - Wendell Berry 

10. The latest technology is not always good for anything except to the producers of the technology. - Wendell Berry 

11. A big reason why I started writing is I felt that fiction had stopped evolving. All other entertainments were getting better, constantly, as technology allowed. Movies. Video games. Music. - Chuck Palahniuk 

12. We humans are an extremely important manifestation of the replication bomb, because it is through us - through our brains, our symbolic culture and our technology - that the explosion may proceed to the next stage and reverberate through deep space. - Richard Dawkins 

13. Science, as opposed to technology, does violence to common sense. - Richard Dawkins 

14. I'm fascinated by the idea that genetics is digital. A gene is a long sequence of coded letters, like computer information. Modern biology is becoming very much a branch of information technology. - Richard Dawkins 

15. Science - or the products of science like technology - is just a way of achieving something real, something that happens, something that works. - Richard Dawkins 

16. I hate to mention age, but I come from an era when we weren't consumed by technology and television. - Jimmy Buffett 

17. The basis of our partnership strategy and our partnership approach: We build the social technology. They provide the music. - Mark Zuckerberg 

18. I understand Twitter has become popular among politicians. This technology allows them to stay in perpetual contact with their constituents. The electorate now has instant information about what politicians have been up to. - P. J. O'Rourke 

19. You can be out of slavery and have the right to vote, but unless you have access to capital, industry and technology, you can't fulfill your dreams. - Jesse Jackson 

20. I love technology - yes, I have fallen in love with older cars, but I'm all for new technology. - Mario Andretti 

21. What the world needs is a small, compact, flexible fusion technology that could make electricity where and when it is needed. The existing fusion program is leading to a huge source of centralized power, at a price that nobody except a government can afford. - Freeman Dyson 

22. Lucky individuals in each generation find technology appropriate to their needs. - Freeman Dyson 

23. I don't get tripped up in technology. I use technology as a tool. 'Oldboy' we shot Two Pro 35mm. For 'Da Blood of Jesus,' we shot digitally. We shot the new Sony F55. It's a 4K camera. - Spike Lee 

24. I've always felt that technology can be used to our benefit and should be used to our benefit. - Deepak Chopra 

25. When I looked at the addictive qualities of video games and how they captivate people's attention, I decided to try the same technology for enhancing well-being. - Deepak Chopra 

26. Self-awareness is not just relaxation and not just meditation. It must combine relaxation with activity and dynamism. Technology can aid that. - Deepak Chopra 

27. Technology is cool, but you've got to use it as opposed to letting it use you. - Prince 

28. The medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium - that is, of any extension of ourselves - result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology. - Marshall McLuhan 

29. It is the framework which changes with each new technology and not just the picture within the frame. - Marshall McLuhan 

30. The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment in order to grasp it in a new way. - Marshall McLuhan 

31. As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of 'do it yourself.' - Marshall McLuhan 

32. We're in a new world. We're in a world in which the possibility of terrorism, married up with technology, could make us very, very sorry that we didn't act. - Condoleezza Rice 

33. We are not overpopulated in an absolute sense; we've got the technology for 10 billion, probably 15 billion people, to live on this planet and live good lives. What we haven't done is developed our technology. - David Attenborough 

34. At any given moment, we each face a barrage of obligations, often disparate and distinct from what we thought would happen when we woke up. From the tragic to the common to the extraordinary, life refuses to be divvied up into careful slices of time. No technology can manage to overcome the realities of reality. - Stacey Abrams 

35. Businesses and users are going to use technology only if they can trust it. - Satya Nadella

36. Without a doubt, I wholeheartedly support programs at Microsoft and in the industry that bring more women into technology and close the pay gap. - Satya Nadella 

37. You look at marketing: everything that's happening in marketing is digitized. Everything that's happening in finance is digitized. So pretty much every industry, every function in every industry, has a huge element that's driven by information technology. It's no longer discrete. - Satya Nadella 

38. Information technology is at the core of how you do your business and how your business model itself evolves. - Satya Nadella 

39. Microsoft is one of those rare companies to have truly revolutionized the world through technology, and I couldn't be more honored to have been chosen to lead the company. - Satya Nadella 

40. I will talk about two sets of things. One is how productivity and collaboration are reinventing the nature of work, and how this will be very important for the global economy. And two, data. In other words, the profound impact of digital technology that stems from data and the data feedback loop. - Satya Nadella 

41. The Web and new technology offer more opportunities to reach a world market at a lower price. Today, a person can start a business at home and reach the world market. - Robert Kiyosaki 

42. The computer is my favorite invention. I feel lucky to be part of the global village. I don't mean to brag, but I'm so fast with technology. People think it all seems too much, but we'll get used to it. I'm sure it all seemed too much when we were learning to walk. - Yoko Ono 

43. There's no question that as science, knowledge and technology advance, that we will attempt to do more significant things. And there's no question that we will always have to temper those things with ethics. - Ben Carson 

44. So many times, these kids know more about the technology than their parents. And so many times, we're putting kids in very adult situations and expecting them to behave like they're 40 years old. Well, that's just not going to happen. - Amy Klobuchar 

45. Who would know but ten years ago that kids would be texting each other all the time, that that would be one of their main forms of communication. And so many times, these kids know more about the technology than their parents. And so many times, we're putting kids in very adult situations and expecting them to behave like they're 40 years old. - Amy Klobuchar 

46. For the blue-collar worker, the driving force behind change was factory automation using programmable machine tools. For the office worker, it's office automation using computer technology: enterprise-resource-planning systems, groupware, intranets, extranets, expert systems, the Web, and e-commerce. - Tom Peters 

47. Ronald Reagan said that he sought a Star Wars defense only in order to share the technology with the tyrants of the U.S.S.R. - Christopher Hitchens 

48. I stayed in the astronaut program until 1993. People ask me why I left. I thought I had a lot of things to contribute that would be difficult to do if I stayed. I thought I could have a stronger voice as an advocate for space exploration. So I ended up starting my own technology consulting company. - Mae Jemison 

49. The fact we don't have a lunar base has nothing to do with the technology. It has to do with public commitment and societal support. - Mae Jemison 

50. I'm studying theater and media. I don't really know why I took media, because I'm so useless with technology, though it's fun. But, I do love theater and am having a great time learning about all the practitioners and getting to perform with my friends. - Tom Holland 

51. In Hollywood, they think drawn animation doesn't work anymore, computers are the way. They forget that the reason computers are the way is that Pixar makes good movies. So everybody tries to copy Pixar. They're relying too much on the technology and not enough on the artists. - Tim Burton 

52. Income taxes are very poor at generating income from automation because the gains are realized by technology companies that are experts at not paying taxes. - Andrew Yang 

53. Most Americans agree that technology is going to eliminate many more jobs than it is going to create. - Andrew Yang 

54. People generally think of technology simply as a spur to start new businesses. But the Internet has also made it possible for more businesses to compete for any given opportunity. - Andrew Yang 

55. Technology can create needs even as it addresses them. - Andrew Yang 

56. Online education and technology are doubtless going to change how we learn in the years ahead. Remote learning is inexpensive and brings down the cost of near-universal access. - Andrew Yang 

57. Technology companies tend to operate in winner-take-all spaces and thus adopt a very high-commitment culture. - Andrew Yang 

58. We need to wake up to the fact that it is not immigrants who are causing economic dislocations. It is technology and an evolving economy that is pushing more and more Americans to the sidelines. - Andrew Yang 

59. Because of technology, we don't develop telepathy. We don't use telepathy, but use, you know, the mobile phones. Why? - Marina Abramovic 

60. Today, our attention is less than the television advertisement. We're looking at six or seven problems constantly. We're living in the disturbed societies of cities. I think modern technology is one of the worst things human beings have invented. - Marina Abramovic 

61. You know, everyone is always talking about plastic surgery, or the technology, what to do. I really think it's important to help yourself with the technology if you want to feel better, but I am absolutely against any kind of monstrous cuts of the body, lifting that is beyond recognition, this kind of stuff. - Marina Abramovic 

62. I want people to come to me open and vulnerable. When they come to the gallery, they have to leave their watches, their computers, their Blackberry, iPads, iPhones, because we are so incredibly used to technology, and I wanted to remove that. - Marina Abramovic 

63. All art is dependent on technology because it's a human endeavor, so even when you're using charcoal on a wall or designed the proscenium arch, that's technology. - George Lucas 

64. Everyone seems to think that digital technology devoid the medium of content, but that is not true at all. If anything, it broadens the content. - George Lucas 

65. Digital technology allows us a much larger scope to tell stories that were pretty much the grounds of the literary media. - George Lucas 

66. Digital technology is the same revolution as adding sound to pictures and the same revolution as adding color to pictures. Nothing more and nothing less. - George Lucas 

67. Even more amazing than modern technology is our opportunity to access information directly from Heaven, without hardware, software, or monthly service fees. - Russell M. Nelson 

68. Every aspect of human technology has a dark side, including the bow and arrow. - Margaret Atwood 

69. I think every age lives in a blend of technology so there's always older ones mixed in with newer ones, and when the new technology goes down, the immediate fallback position is either that technology just before that or one several technologies back. - Margaret Atwood 

70. Communications technology changes possibilities for communication, but that doesn't mean it changes the inherited structure of the brain. So you may think that you're addicted to online reading, but as soon as it isn't available anymore, your brain will pretty immediately adjust to other forms of reading. It's a habit like all habits. - Margaret Atwood 

71. People use technology only to mean digital technology. Technology is actually everything we make. - Margaret Atwood 

72. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process. - Nancy Pelosi 

73. It's important that our children are raised to be educated, well-rounded tax-paying citizens that understand the importance of technology and science. - Bill Nye 

74. Technology will definitely solve all our problems, but in the process it will create brand new ones. But that's O.K. because the most you can expect from life is to get to solve better and better problems. - Scott Adams 

75. I'd like people to be educated on the voting machines, making sure that our democracy isn't being hijacked by computer technology. There's no reason there can't be a paper trail on those machines. - Eddie Vedder 

76. It is my belief that no matter how advanced man may become in science, technology, systems, and knowledge, he can never improve on the foundational precepts of marriage as the bedrock of social development. - Myles Munroe 

77. One of the major problems with China is that its innovation is largely borrowed technology. - Alan Greenspan 

78. Chinese productivity is the highest in the world but the way they do it is by borrowing the technology from abroad, either by joint ventures or other means. - Alan Greenspan 

79. Why should Congress people have to visit D.C.? Thanks to Skype, meetings are possible across the country. Thanks to email, communications are simple. And we've had the technology to vote from afar for decades. Why should we have backroom deals made over cigars thousands of miles distant from those who are affected by those deals? - Ben Shapiro 

80. Study hard so that you can master technology, which allows us to master nature. - Che Guevara 

81. Technology is rooted in the past. It dominates the present and tends into the future. It is a real historical movement - one of the great movements which shape and represent their epoch. - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 

82. Technology is far more than a method, it is a world in itself. As a method, it is superior in almost every respect. But only where it is left to itself, as in gigantic structures of engineering, there technology reveals its true nature. - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 

83. Wherever technology reaches its real fulfillment, it transcends into architecture. - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 

84. To make a rock'n'roll record, technology is the least important thing. - Keith Richards 

85. I do know a lot about Scientology. And I know about the practices. I know all about what the technology is and all that kind of stuff. It's very helpful. - Jennifer Lopez 

86. I go and see anything that's visually new, any technology that's about picture-making. The technology won't make the pictures different, but someone using it will. - David Hockney 

87. However, even during the preparations for action, we laid our plans in such a manner that should there be progress through diplomatic negotiation, we would be well prepared to cancel operations at the latest moment that communication technology would have permitted. - Hideki Tojo

88. I love the 3D revolution. I love the technology today that continues to push the envelope, continues break the new ground, and continues to raise the bar. - Dwayne Johnson 

89. Science and technology are a propellant for building a thriving country, and the happiness of the people and the future of the country hinge on their development. - Kim Jong-un 

90. The strength of self-reliance and self-development is that of science and technology, and the shortcut to implementing the five-year strategy is to give importance and precedence to science and technology. - Kim Jong-un 

91. Movie-making is telling a story with the best technology at your disposal. - Tom Hanks 

92. The energy necessary to create a wormhole or to wrap time into nuts is incredible. It's not for us. It's maybe for our descendants who have mastered the energy of this technology. So if one day, somebody knocks on your door and claims to be your great great great great granddaughter, don't slam the door. - Michio Kaku 

93. Time travel and teleportation will have to wait. It may take centuries to master these technology. But within the coming decades, we will understand dark matter, perhaps test string theory, find planets which can harbor life, and maybe have Brain 2.0, i.e. our consciousness on a disk which will survive even after we die. - Michio Kaku 

94. Leaders in China and India realize that science and technology lead to success and wealth. But many countries in the West graduate students into the unemployment line by teaching skills that were necessary to live in 1950. - Michio Kaku 

95. I predict that technology will enable people to transmit their neuronal, actual feelings over the Internet. - Michio Kaku 

96. I know nothing about technology. - Jack Ma 

97. I'm not a tech guy. I'm looking at the technology with the eyes of my customers, normal people's eyes. - Jack Ma 

98. Our philosophy is that we want to be an ecosystem. Our philosophy is to empower others to sell, empower others to service, making sure the other people are more powerful than us. With our technology, our innovation, our partners - 10 million small business sellers - they can compete with Microsoft and IBM. - Jack Ma 

99. Our philosophy is, using internet technology, we can make every company become Amazon. - Jack Ma 

100. The most important thing is to make the technology inclusive - make the world change. Next, pay attention to those people who are 30 years old, because those are the internet generation. They will change the world; they are the builders of the world. - Jack Ma

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