1. I've been in silly movies and romantic movies and historic movies. - Kevin Bacon
2. If you look at my movie career, I do switch it up a lot. I'm always looking for a lot of different parts. It's been a while since I've been in a situation that was romantic. - Kevin Bacon
3. In the romantic sense, I'm pretty useless with guys. If I see somebody who I'm attracted to, generally I just think, 'Oh well, he's not interested in me.' The only time that I talk to guys is when they talk to me first. - Carrie Underwood
4. 'To All The Boys' is one film amongst a couple other romantic comedies through the decades that promotes... I don't know what they're calling it. A modern man? A man that's more emotionally accessible and available and willing to communicate and actually care and nurture. - Noah Centineo
5. I would say one of the most romantic things I've done is I've taken a girlfriend back to her hometown when she hadn't been back for years. It was in Puerto Rico, and we stayed there for about a week and a half. She showed me the different places she grew up around. - Noah Centineo
6. I think that romantic comedies have a special place in most people's hearts, especially the younger demographic. - Noah Centineo
7. I am completely open to doing a romantic comedy, but I will never do something just for the sake of doing a specific genre or because it's the time or place to do a different type of movie. I think that would be a huge mistake. - Leonardo DiCaprio
8. I've never tried to reach a certain demographic of an audience or try to say, 'OK, now I'm going to do this type of film to transition myself into more adult roles.' Or a romantic hero. Or whatever it may be - you know what I mean? - Leonardo DiCaprio
9. I had to satisfy the action fans, the romantic fans, the intellectual fans. It was a terrific burden. - Sidney Poitier
10. The male is always the pawn in a romantic comedy. Come together, break up, go chase her, get her, roll credits. That's what happens in all of them. - Matthew McConaughey
11. I personally don't like to go see romantic comedies. But people do want to see them, and they seem to want to see me in them. - Matthew McConaughey
12. I'm not a romantic. - Jack Kevorkian
13. Suddenly I've got an overwhelming desire to surround myself with the aura of classical and Romantic art. - Sylvester Stallone
14. I want to turn my attention to movies about love relationships. Exploring the female psyche - there ought to be some interesting discoveries there. Love stories. If you do it right, people want to hear romantic dialog. - Sylvester Stallone
15. I'm not the most romantic guy, although I do try. - Seth Rogen
16. With While You Were Sleeping, it was so much fun and such a Cinderella story, that I didn't want to do another romantic comedy. I wanted to do the opposite. - Bill Pullman
17. Truthfully, I almost avoided 'While You Were Sleeping,' because I find those romantic comedies kind of precious, and they're full of lines that leave you feeling a little bewildered when you say them. - Bill Pullman
18. 'The Virginian' has a very important romantic story line that you don't find in a lot of Westerns... At the heart of the story is quite a bit of pain and a sense of loss. - Bill Pullman
19. Sometimes when you really try to be earnest, everything disappears. If you really try to make a romantic movie, the first thing that goes out the window is the romance or real passion. It suddenly becomes cute-ville or cozy-ville. It's another world other than life. - Bill Pullman
20. I thought art was a sort of romantic life, or I don't know what I thought art was like. But I learned practically everything I know from Ohio State. And I'm really glad I went. - Roy Lichtenstein
21. I wouldn't feel satisfied being on set every day doing a romantic comedy - I'd be bored to death. - Joaquin Phoenix
22. I don't ever want to be a sentimentalist. I prefer to be a realist. I'm not a romantic really. - James Earl Jones
23. Acting is not about anything romantic, not even fantasy, although you do create fantasy. - James Earl Jones
24. I've never believed in or understood romantic love. Love at first sight was always a complete joke to me. - Glennon Doyle Melton
25. You know, the man of my dreams might walk round the corner tomorrow. I'm older and wiser and I think I'd make a great girlfriend. I live in the realm of romantic possibility. - Stevie Nicks
26. I was known for singing romantic songs to women, but I can also be that guy talking about why you can't be the only girl for me. - Maluma
27. The underdog winning is the romantic position. - Malcolm Gladwell
28. Somehow, the French got this idea of the starving artist. Very romantic, except it's not so romantic for the starving artist. - David Lynch
29. My books are love stories at core, really. But I am interested in manifestations of love beyond the traditional romantic notion. In fact, I seem not particularly inclined to write romantic love as a narrative motive or as an easy source of happiness for my characters. - Khaled Hosseini
30. Just because a romantic relationship ends doesn't mean that the other facets of your relationship have to end... or, indeed, doesn't mean they can't get better. - Chris Martin
31. I think I give the impression of being a romantic, and I think inside I'm quite severe. But some might say they had the opposite impression of me. - Tom Stoppard
32. Like almost everything else from the West, the Romantic Revolution arrived late in Russia. - Tom Stoppard
33. Marriage is not simply a romantic union between two people; it's also a political and economic contract of the highest order. - Elizabeth Gilbert
34. I love to have my hair down; I love to have my hair full... there's something romantic about it. - Blake Lively
35. I had no romantic interest in Gable. I considered him an older man. - Gene Tierney
36. For food to be romantic, it should be light. Too many times people plan a romantic meal, and the food is too heavy. - Jose Andres
37. I'm a romantic. - Tom Cruise
38. I wanted to show people I'm like a modern Romeo. I'm romantic, but I can also be seductive. I can be cool and charismatic, swagger-type. - Romeo Santos
39. All of the songs my grandparents and parents listened to are called boleros - they're all love songs. They're about giving your heart to a person. It's a culture that is so romantic and passionate, and that's something that I'm very proud of. We grew up with nothing, so we just want to live a life full of love. - Camila Cabello
40. I was very influenced by the musicals and romantic comedies of the 1930s. I admired Gene Harlow and such, which probably explains why, since the end of my marriage, I've dated nothing but a succession of blondes. - Hugh Hefner
41. My first wife was a brunette, and Barbi Benton, my major romantic relationship of the early 1970s, was a brunette. But since the end of my marriage, all of my girlfriends have been blonds. - Hugh Hefner
42. You know, I think that romance sort of coincides with effort, so you can fall flat on your face, but as long as you're making a great effort, I think it comes off as romantic. - Ashton Kutcher
43. I think that romance sort of coincides with effort, so you can fall flat on your face, but as long as you're making a great effort, I think it comes off as romantic. So it can be something as simple as, like, if you're someone who doesn't cook, you can make a meal. - Ashton Kutcher
44. Classical and romantic: private language of a family quarrel, a dead dispute over the distribution of emphasis between man and nature. - Cyril Connolly
45. To me, little Mike Wazowski is one of the best characters I ever got to play because he was funny. He was outrageous. He got angry. He was romantic. He was a full, well-rounded character. - Billy Crystal
46. I am a hopeless romantic, and so is my wife. - Nick Cannon
47. Once I got married and had kids, I moved away from romantic roles, because it seemed wrong to have my three-year-old wondering why Daddy was kissing someone else. - Chevy Chase
48. I don't think of death in a romantic way anymore. - Robert Smith
49. The Southern whites are in many respects a great people. Looked at from a certain point of view, they are picturesque. If one will put oneself in a romantic frame of mind, one can admire their notions of chivalry and bravery and justice. - James Weldon Johnson
50. I love a good romantic comedy. - Joss Whedon
51. New York was no mere city. It was instead an infinitely romantic notion, the mysterious nexus of all love and money and power, the shining and perishable dream itself. - Joan Didion
52. I'm not done with love, but I refuse to settle. I am a hopeless romantic. And I won't stop till I get it right. - Halle Berry
53. I won't have a traditional marriage; I don't find the value in that anymore. But I am such a hopeless romantic and I really want love and I want a committed relationship, so I am going to reinvent marriage for myself. - Halle Berry
54. Usually comedy is only available to us ladies in the romantic comedy. That's why I hate romantic comedies. - Sandra Bullock
55. I think in general, romantic comedies tend to take one person's point of view, but every once in a while you get something that is balanced for two people. - Sandra Bullock
56. I've never been a blind romantic. - Sandra Bullock
57. The violent quarrel between the abstractionists and the surrealists seems to me quite unnecessary. All good art has contained both abstract and surrealist elements, just as it has contained both classical and romantic elements - order and surprise, intellect and imagination, conscious and unconscious. - Henry Moore
58. When I started dating I had this kind of Romeo and Juliet, fateful romantic idea about love which was almost that you were a victim and there was a lot of pain involved and that was how it should be. - Emma Watson
59. I'm very romantic and of course I want to be in love. - Emma Watson
60. I find television, and particularly live television, very romantic: the idea that there is this small group of people, way up high, in a skyscraper in the middle of Manhattan, beaming this signal out into the night. - Aaron Sorkin
61. You feel very romantic when you're in a ball gown. Everyone should wear one once in a while. - Carolina Herrera
62. Acting can be pretty challenging. I can't say making a romantic comedy is challenging, but to do anything well, you have to put yourself into it. - John Cusack
63. But no, I don't really like romantic comedies, so I don't really care. I never go see 'em. - John Cusack
64. I feel close to Lloyd in 'Say Anything'. He was like a super-interesting version of me. Only I'm not as good as him. Whatever part of me is romantic and optimistic, I reached into that to play Lloyd. - John Cusack
65. I think that taking night trains or meeting someone on the road is pretty romantic. I've done a couple of things like that. I've surprised someone in Paris. And hopefully, when you surprise someone, they're happy to see you. - John Cusack
66. What Romantic terminology called genius or talent or inspiration is nothing other than finding the right road empirically, following one's nose, taking shortcuts. - Italo Calvino
67. I love romantic comedies. I like to watch them and I like to be in them. It's something that's increasingly difficult to find that spark of originality that makes if different than the ones that come before. - Julia Roberts
68. I am so romantic about Gypsies. They're not allowed to do anything until they get married. So they all get married really young, at sixteen. - Kate Moss
69. I don't get a lot of romantic comedy scripts. - Ryan Reynolds
70. The problem with romantic comedies is you know the ending by the poster. So they're not movies you can keep doing over and over again expect satisfaction somehow. - Ryan Reynolds
71. That's my biggest struggle, is maintaining a personal romantic relationship. It takes a lot of effort. - Chelsea Handler
72. Hugh Grant is the main man. He's the number one romantic comedy man in the world. - Sam Elliott
73. Romantic love is an illusion. Most of us discover this truth at the end of a love affair or else when the sweet emotions of love lead us into marriage and then turn down their flames. - Thomas Moore
74. I think as a young actress, it's very rare that you read something where you're not either 'the girl' or there to serve some romantic purpose in a male dominated cast. - Sienna Miller
75. I was blinded by being a romantic person. - Sienna Miller
76. The amount of speculation surrounding my romantic life is astounding. It's strange how involved people get: invested and angry, really disappointed. - Sienna Miller
77. I have nothing against romance. I believe that we must hold on to the right to dream and to be romantic. But an Indian village is not something that I would romanticize that easily. - Arundhati Roy
78. Romantic love is a trap designed to get two people to overlook each other's faults long enough to get some baby making done. It generally only lasts for a few years at most. - Mark Manson
79. When most people set out to change their lives, they often focus on all the external stuff, like a new job or a new location or new friends or a new romantic prospects and on and on. The reality is that changing your life starts with changing the way you see everything in your life. - Mark Manson
80. Romantic love is painful. - will.i.am
81. I'm opening up my heart to the idea of dating. It's funny - my friends would always come to me for romantic advice. I know nothing, and things have changed since I was dating in high school! I'm really trying hard to spend this time working on myself. - Olivia Wilde
82. I would pretend to be the French lieutenant's woman. I was always a romantic. I still am, actually. - Helena Bonham Carter
83. Grunge is a happier romantic version of punk. - Marc Jacobs
84. Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock do romantic comedies. I do dark dramas. I do these movies well. - Jodie Foster
85. My wife would say I'm not romantic at all, but I would say that I'm the ultimate romancer because I write about... life being brilliant. - Noel Gallagher
86. My new movie, Fools Rush In, is a romantic comedy and the girl I play in that is very warm, very sweet. - Salma Hayek
87. There's something so romantic about being broke in New York. You gotta do it. You have to live there once without any money, and then you have to live there when you have money. Let me tell you, of the two, the latter is far better. - Amy Poehler
88. Hamilton was young, dashing, and romantic. He lent himself perfectly to be the star of a musical. - Ron Chernow
89. We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - romantic love and gunpowder. - Andre Maurois
90. Having an actual income can expand your romantic horizons toward the more appealing end of the spectrum. - Al Franken
91. People who know me, they know I have a sense of humor, I'm a bit of a joker, a bit of a clown really, and I would love someone to exploit that side of me and send me a romantic comedy. - Gary Oldman
92. I don't think Hollywood knows what to do with me. I would imagine that when it comes to romantic comedies, my name would be pretty low down on the list. - Gary Oldman
93. You know, I always got offered other stuff. Not the romantic leads, obviously. But very often it's a role that's underwritten, where the character has no personality at all. And they need a character actor who can fill it in. - Harvey Fierstein
94. I don't want to be Mr. Romantic Leading Man. I don't want to be the Dance Dude. I don't want to be the Action Guy. If I had to do any one of those all my life, it'd drive me crazy. - Patrick Swayze
95. I'm always trying to perfect the romantic comedy, though. - David Duchovny
96. The most romantic thing I ever did to my woman? I painted her toenails! - Tracy Morgan
97. A romantic or classical view of the French approach would have been to say, 'It's a French company; let no one attack it. Let's block any merger. But the reality is Alcatel-Lucent is not a French company; it's a global company. Its main markets are China and the U.S. Its ownership is foreign; most of its managers aren't French. - Emmanuel Macron
98. I don't know if it's possible to live the rock 'n roll lifestyle and still be romantic. - Adam Levine
99. Any romantic feelings for a 12-year-old are like entering into a fantasy world. - Wes Anderson
100. Romantic love can be terrifying. We experience another human being as enormously important to us. So there is surrender - not a surrender to the other person so much as to our feeling for the other person. What is the obstacle? The possibility of loss. - Nathaniel Branden