1. It is not likely that posterity will fall in love with us, but not impossible that it may respect or sympathize; so a man would rather leave behind him the portrait of his spirit than a portrait of his face. - Robert Louis Stevenson 

2. I think I have a certain respect for people, you know. And I guess a lot of times I expect that respect to go both ways. - Tom Brady 

3. I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We've been taught that silence would save us, but it won't. - Audre Lorde 

4. I deserve respect for the things I did not do. - Dan Quayle

 5. In the long term we can hope that religion will change the nature of man and reduce conflict. But history is not encouraging in this respect. The bloodiest wars in history have been religious wars. - Richard M. Nixon 

6. We must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. - Davy Crockett 

7. I am not very proud of being an human being; in fact, I distinctly dislike the species in many ways. I can readily conceive of beings vastly superior in every respect. - H. P. Lovecraft 

8. Man's respect for the imponderables varies according to his mental constitution and environment. Through certain modes of thought and training, it can be elevated tremendously, yet there is always a limit. - H. P. Lovecraft

9. We may not always agree with every one of our neighbors. That's life. And it's part of living in such a diverse and dense city. But we also recognize that part of being a New Yorker is living with your neighbors in mutual respect and tolerance. It was exactly that spirit of openness and acceptance that was attacked on 9/11, 2001. - Michael Bloomberg 

10. Ask an older person you respect to tell you his or her greatest regret. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 

11. We must believe in the power of education. We must respect just laws. We must love ourselves, our old and or young, our women as well as our men. - Arthur Ashe 

12. I like children; I like 'em, and I respect 'em. Pretty much all the honest truth-telling there is in the world is done by them. - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. 

13. You can't allow tradition to get in the way of innovation. There's a need to respect the past, but it's a mistake to revere your past. - Bob Iger 

14. I can stand here today, look you in the face, and say I'm proud of the efforts of 'ABC News.' I respect 'ABC News.' And I believe they work very hard to present news in an extremely fair way. - Bob Iger 

15. I want to be very close to someone I respect and admire and have somebody who feels the same way about me. - Richard Bach 

16. We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible. - George Santayana 

17. If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that... I believe in what I do, and I'll say it. - John Lennon 

18. We have always been prepared to negotiate with the U.S. government everything that has to do with bilateral relations, on a basis of the strictest mutual respect for the sovereign rights of each country. We will never try to ask the government of the United States to change its economic and political system. - Fidel Castro 

19. The people respect and believe in men who fulfill their duty. - Fidel Castro 

20. Any hand that I've shaken, any person that I met when I was Joe Blow, now that I'm this guy Kevin Hart, has come back. That's why I treat everybody with respect. I'm always a nice pleasant guy to meet because when they come back to you, they remember. - Kevin Hart 

21. I am who I am. That's why my friends and peers respect and appreciate me. I don't change or cater my actions to fit my surroundings. I'm myself 24/7. People appreciate that. - Kevin Hart 

22. You must respect people and work hard to be in shape. And I used to train very hard. When the others players went to the beach after training, I was there kicking the ball. - Pele 

23. The quantity and quality of consciousness, one may say, have always been growing throughout geological times. In this respect man, in whom nervous organization and therefore psychological powers have attained an undisputed maximum, may be considered, scientifically, as a natural Centre of evolution of the primates. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

24. I feel a distaste for hunting, first because of a kind of Buddhist respect for the unity and sacredness of all life, and also because the pursuit of a hare or chamois strikes me as a kind of 'escape of energy,' that is, the expenditure of our effort in an illusory end, one devoid of profit. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

25. I have a great love and respect for religion, great love and respect for atheism. What I hate is agnosticism, people who do not choose. - Orson Welles 

26. The advertisements in a newspaper are more full knowledge in respect to what is going on in a state or community than the editorial columns are. - Henry Ward Beecher 

27. I need privacy. I would think that because what I do makes a lot of people happy that I might deserve a little bit of respect in return. Instead, the papers try to drag me off my pedestal. - Jim Carrey 

28. Well, unfortunately, I have always regretted the fact that I have a temper, but I also have, you know, have great love and respect for all of the people that have worked for me. I think like everything else, this is one of those things that has been blown out of proportion. - Norman Schwarzkopf 

29. To retain respect for sausages and laws, one must not watch them in the making. - Otto von Bismarck 

30. If you want to be a great leader, remember to treat all people with respect at all times. For one, because you never know when you'll need their help. And two, because it's a sign you respect people, which all great leaders do. - Simon Sinek 

31. In Republics, the great danger is, that the majority may not sufficiently respect the rights of the minority. - James Madison 

32. I, for one, respect those who believe with all their hearts and conscience that there are no circumstances under which any abortion should ever be available. - Hillary Clinton 

33. This is what we call smart power. Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one's enemies. Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions. - Hillary Clinton 

34. With respect to Iraq, I did favor the continuity of American forces to work with the new Maliki government. They had enormous needs for intelligence, for training on everything from airplanes to more sophisticated ground equipment and the like. - Hillary Clinton 

35. I respect the Congress's oversight responsibility. - Hillary Clinton 

36. Our aversion to lying is commonly a secret ambition to make what we say considerable, and have every word received with a religious respect. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld 

37. Donald Trump is an innocent child of God, and the democratically chosen president-elect of the United States. We must deeply bow before the first and deeply respect the second. - Marianne Williamson 

38. In countries other than Pakistan - I won't necessarily call them 'Western' - people support me. This is because people there respect others. They don't do this because I am a Pashtun or a Punjabi, a Pakistani, or an Iranian, they do it because of one's words and character. This is why I am being respected and supported there. - Malala Yousafzai 

39. We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect. - Ambrose Bierce 

40. Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it. - Gilbert K. Chesterton 

41. When I was a kid, I got really great advice from someone who is so important to me and someone who I respect so much, and they told me, 'Don't do too many endorsements. Don't throw your name on things; think of your longevity.' - Drew Barrymore 

42. It's embarrassing to go through any rebellious stage in front of people that you love and respect, and yet I'm glad I did. - Drew Barrymore 

43. There may be fairies at the bottom of the garden. There is no evidence for it, but you can't prove that there aren't any, so shouldn't we be agnostic with respect to fairies? - Richard Dawkins 

44. I'm quite a softy, yes. I have a blank spot with respect to visual art, but I have perhaps a compensating hypersensitivity to poetry and music. - Richard Dawkins 

45. I do object to those who jump from political hackery to flackery and expect respect. - Molly Ivins 

46. Talk to people in their own language. If you do it well, they'll say, 'God, he said exactly what I was thinking.' And when they begin to respect you, they'll follow you to the death. - Lee Iacocca 

47. Economics is a subject that does not greatly respect one's wishes. - Nikita Khrushchev 

48. A man acquainted with history may, in some respect, be said to have lived from the beginning of the world, and to have been making continual additions to his stock of knowledge in every century. - David Hume 

49. I'm not a Packers fan. I just like football. I do respect those guys. You respect great football. I'm a Cowboys fan, or I was a Cowboys fan. You just respect great football. - Patrick Mahomes 

50. Society as a whole benefits immeasurably from a climate in which all persons, regardless of race or gender, may have the opportunity to earn respect, responsibility, advancement and remuneration based on ability. - Sandra Day O'Connor 

51. I'm the type of guy that always respect the older rappers who paved the way for us to get here. - Playboi Carti 

52. Everyone knows that at the age of 11-12, children have a marked impulse to form themselves into groups and that the respect paid to the rules and regulations of their play constitutes an important feature of this social life. - Jean Piaget 

53. All morality consists in a system of rules, and the essence of all morality is to be sought for in the respect which the individual acquires for these rules. - Jean Piaget 

54. No matter how popular you are as a stand-up - you can go out and fill a 10,000-seat arena and be smart and funny - it's delicate to host an awards show and know where your place is and know that it's not about you, that it's about the people who are nominated, and respect that, but at the same time have your moment to show them who you are. - Ellen DeGeneres

55. Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love. - Don Miguel Ruiz 

56. I love and respect all religions and philosophies. I see how they get formed, how they grow up, and how powerful they are. But for me to believe in a specific god - no. Because what I believe is that the infinite, the absolute, is a living being and the only one living being that really exists. - Don Miguel Ruiz 

57. When we respect everybody around us, we are in peace with everybody around us. - Don Miguel Ruiz 

58. The sea speaks a language polite people never repeat. It is a colossal scavenger slang and has no respect. - Carl Sandburg 

59. Libertarianism is a way of measuring how the government and other kinds of systems respect the individual. At the core of libertarianism is the idea that the individual is sacrosanct and that anything that's done contrary to the well-being of the individual needs some pretty serious justification. - P. J. O'Rourke 

60. Aging has a wonderful beauty and we should have respect for that. - Eartha Kitt 

61. The Cobra is my personal favorite car. The original 289 Cobra is the car I respect the most. I like to drive the 289 better than the 427. - Carroll Shelby 

62. My team and I have reunited two elements that coexist with difficulty: respect and affection, because when they love you they don't respect you and when they respect you they don't love you. - Shakira 

63. I just want to grow old with a man who takes care of me, and I want to eventually have kids and want them to be good children to me. Just want to be treated nice and have respect. - Shakira 

64. I respect the audience's intelligence a lot, and that's why I don't try to go for the lowest common denominator. - Spike Lee 

65. I tell myself that God gave my children many gifts - spirit, beauty, intelligence, the capacity to make friends and to inspire respect. There was only one gift he held back - length of life. - Rose Kennedy 

66. There are only two occasions when Americans respect privacy, especially in Presidents. Those are prayer and fishing. - Herbert Hoover 

67. The worst evil of disregard for some law is that it destroys respect for all law. - Herbert Hoover 

68. Peace can be contributed to by respect for our ability in defense. - Herbert Hoover 

69. Plus, you know, when I was young, there was a lot of respect for clowning in rock music - look at Little Richard. It was a part of the whole thing, and I always also believed that it released the audience. - Bruce Springsteen 

70. I always have tried to treat people with respect, the way I want to be treated. - Derek Jeter 

71. My mom was a teacher - I have the greatest respect for the profession - we need great teachers - not poor or mediocre ones. - Condoleezza Rice 

72. I have enormous respect for people who do run for office. - Condoleezza Rice 

73. I've been in enough positions to respect people with different views. - Condoleezza Rice 

74. I remember I read this harsh review about my show, and one of my friends told me that this was the exact same stuff people said about Madonna. And it's like, she didn't care. Madonna just came out and was herself. I respect that a lot. - Britney Spears 

75. We have a nanny in the house, but there are always times when one of my kids does something bad or wrong, and they'll listen to me more than they do the nanny. So I think it's important to set up that boundary of respect for them at a young age, so they will know, 'I better listen to Mommy.' - Britney Spears 

76. If your partner wants to be private, you have to respect that. - Billie Jean King 

77. Steve Irwin did wonderful conservation work but I was uncomfortable about some of his stunts. Even if animals aren't aware that you are not treating them with respect, the viewers are. - David Attenborough 

78. The duty of man is the same in respect to his own nature as in respect to the nature of all other things, namely not to follow it but to amend it. - John Stuart Mill 

79. We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It's our basic human right. - Aretha Franklin 

80. I love producing, writing. I rarely write with other writers unless I have a real great respect for them. Like Burt Bacharach, or Carole Sager, or Stevie Wonder. Somebody like Smokey - like that. Otherwise, I choose to write alone. - Aretha Franklin 

81. Everybody wants respect. In their own way, three-year-olds would like respect, and acknowledgment, in their terms. - Aretha Franklin 

82. That's the most important thing to me - that if I'm gonna spend however long it takes to make a movie, give up 14 hours a day for however many weeks or months, then it's very important for me to know that I'm working with people who I respect and enjoy and that we're going for something together. - Brad Pitt 

83. Plan B is really a little garage band of three people, and our mandate has been to help get difficult material, that might not otherwise get made, to the screen and to work with directors we respect. - Brad Pitt 

84. If I'm gonna spend however long it takes to make a movie, give up 14 hours a day for however many weeks or months, then it's very important for me to know that I'm working with people who I respect and enjoy and that we're going for something together. - Brad Pitt

85. I got a lot of things that society had promised would make me whole and fulfilled - all the things that the culture tells you from preschool on will quiet the throbbing anxiety inside you - stature, the respect of colleagues, maybe even a kind of low-grade fame. - Anne Lamott 

86. I hope that tomorrow we can all, wherever we are, join in expressing our grief at Diana's loss, and gratitude for her all-too-short life. It is a chance to show to the whole world the British nation united in grief and respect. - Queen Elizabeth II 

87. I love Bono. I really respect what he has done for Africa and how he has used his fame to do good in the world. I hope I can do half as much in my life. - Alicia Keys 

88. Stand up comedy is this thing you get to do, so you have to treat it with respect. You can't just be like, 'Alright, I got my hour down, people are coming to see me now. Now, I'm going to lean on the mike stand.' No, you gotta work even harder now. You got to top what you already did. Because they'll find someone else. - Bill Burr 

89. My company survives because I've learned to respect the ideas of people younger than me and recognize when my wisdom is obsolete. - Robert Kiyosaki

90. There are people who drove me crazy, but they got the job done. And when I see that person again, I nod my head. Respect. - Bill Murray 

91. In one respect, it's easier to open a restaurant in New York because you get more media attention than anywhere else. Almost everyone will try a new place once, irrespective of the reviews, because it's a spectator sport. - Danny Meyer 

92. There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his character, his self respect, or his self-confidence. He is still a King. - Orison Swett Marden 

93. The sort of man you will make of yourself, how you will be regarded by the world, whether people will admire and respect or despise you, whether you win the approval or the condemnation of your Maker - all this is in your own hands. - Orison Swett Marden 

94. People respect nonfiction but they read novels. - E. O. Wilson 

95. I thought perhaps it should be recognized that religious people, including fundamentalists, are quite intelligent, many of them are highly educated, and they should be treated with complete respect. - E. O. Wilson 

96. What the Beatles did was something incredible, it was more than what a band could do. We have to give them respect. - Yoko Ono

 97. I respect Lady Gaga very much. - Yoko Ono 

98. I have great respect for my parents. I got such beautiful things from both of them. It doesn't mean that we didn't have our rough times, but they were remarkable people who were open-minded, creative and hardworking, and had great senses of humor. - Patti Smith 

99. The federal government has sponsored research that has produced a tomato that is perfect in every respect, except that you can't eat it. We should make every effort to make sure this disease, often referred to as 'progress', doesn't spread. - Andy Rooney 

100. Since the team understands that the leader is de facto in charge, in that respect, a leader has nothing to prove. But in another respect, a leader has everything to prove: Every member of the team must develop the trust and confidence that their leader will exercise good judgment, remain calm, and make the right decisions when it matters most. - Jocko Willin