Top 100 Amazing Humor Quotes Vol.04

1. I've always been really dark, and drawn to darker humor. Nothing has been forced, and I don't say anything for shock value. - Amy Schumer 

2. Anyone who's married to Mariah Carey - I'm pretty sure - doesn't have a great sense of humor. I mean, let's be honest: she's ridiculous. What is her game plan? - Chelsea Handler

 3. Sometimes I find I'm wearing a divided, split brain in terms of drama and humor. - Ridley Scott 

4. One of my pet peeves is that sometimes the talents of my band get overlooked because, and it was the same problem that Frank Zappa had, with a lot of groups that use humor, people don't realize there's a lot of craft behind the comedy. - Al Yankovic 

5. It's hard to force creativity and humor. - Al Yankovic 

6. Using no control and using humor will build a relationship and make a dent to where the client puts the counselor in their quality world and then begins to relate and seek out the counselor. Effective therapy begins with the acceptance of the therapist into the client's quality world. - William Glasser 

7. We are really living the American dream, to be a successful brand in the States and in Europe and to steep ourselves in our heritage. But we do it with a sense of humor. We don't take ourselves too seriously in fashion. - Tommy Hilfiger 

8. There are different kinds of humor, some is sarcastic, some introspective. Introspective fit my personality better. - Rita Rudner 

9. I want to prove to the skeptics that I'm not a clown. I'm very serious about what I do. I want to be a good ski jumper who has a sense of humor. - Eddie the Eagle 

10. I don't think I would describe my sense of humor. Doesn't sound like the kind of thing I'd do. - Tommy Lee Jones 

11. I do not have a sense of humor of any recognizable sort. - Tommy Lee Jones 

12. As an actor, I'm attracted to drama; as a director, it's humor - because it's the story of my life, and I can't be that serious about it. Being alone is a big theme in all my movies, both as a director and as an actress. - Jodie Foster 

13. Humor is the most important thing in life. It trumps everything else, and it's the only thing that helps me deal with everything else. - Paul Rudd 

14. Some people say my humor focuses too much on stereotypes. It doesn't. It focuses on facts. - Sarah Silverman 

15. If you're feeling blue, lock yourself in a room, stand in front of a mirror, and dance - and laugh at yourself and be sexy. Dance the silliest and ugliest you've ever danced. Make fun of yourself and try to recover your sense of humor. - Salma Hayek 

16. Life is never all one thing. It bounces around. Certainly, my own life has. Look at Woody Allen's funny movies - all the humor comes out of sad stuff. Sometimes you have to laugh, no matter what life deals you. - Tim O'Brien 

17. Love, as wonderful and horrible as it is, has at its center a kind of pitiful humor. - Tim O'Brien 

18. Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness is its poison. - Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield 

19. Both conservatives and liberals watch 'Parks and Recreation,' and they each think the show is for them, which is really cool. 'SNL' was totally different. It was exciting because everyone was paying attention. Political humor works when people know what you're talking about. - Amy Poehler 

20. The wealthy don't have any sense of humor. It's not like the English, where the theater is perhaps the one place where they have a sense of humor about themselves. - Alec Baldwin 

21. Kindness is really important to me in finding my own prince - so are patience and a sense of humor. Without those qualities he's no Prince Charming! - Anne Hathaway 

22. People ask if I feel pigeon-holed by always doing the same kind of humorous role. But my tool has always been humor because it's the most entertaining way to put any ideology across, and it's fun, and it's positive, and it's a healer. Laughter is God's gift. I feel privileged to be able to do it. - Goldie Hawn 

23. Bob Dole used to be really funny. Barney Frank can be kind of funny. Bob Kerrey has a good sense of humor. - Al Franken 

24. There is - I mean - I found early in life that righteous indignation is a little off-putting, and so I try to couch it with humor. - Al Franken 

25. There's plenty of room for humor in politics, God knows, but it's a serious business. - Al Franken 

26. If you look at terrorists, they really have no sense of humor. - Al Franken 

27. Humor and seriousness are not in opposition to each other. - Al Franken 

28. People who know me, they know I have a sense of humor, I'm a bit of a joker, a bit of a clown really, and I would love someone to exploit that side of me and send me a romantic comedy. - Gary Oldman 

29. I suppose I miss the British cynicism and the humor. - Rod Stewart 

30. Well, darkness with humor... I'm not an extremely suicidal or sad person. - Peter Steele 

31. As far as humor goes, I've always been a very insecure person and I've always wanted to be liked. - Peter Steele 

32. I think 'Country Girl' is one song that can veer into country or hip-hop or rap. You can listen to it and enjoy the humor and the fun in it. - Luke Bryan 

33. Stand-up comics reflect less of a visual humor and more of a commentary. - Shel Silverstein 

34. There are certain things I learned when I first started learning about acting, to try and place the character physically and emotionally. And the way you place them emotionally is often with humor. - David Duchovny 

35. Humor is my default mode. - John Updike 

36. With Ricky Gervais, it's all shades of wrong, it's my kind of humor. - Emily Blunt 

37. I used to watch 'The Waltons' and sob because my family was nothing like that. We had a cruel sense of humor in my family. - Paula Poundstone 

38. I have a very silly sense of humor. I've never laughed harder in my entire life than seeing someone with toilet paper stuck on the bottom of their shoe. - Paula Poundstone 

39. The comic is the perception of the opposite; humor is the feeling of it. - Umberto Eco 

40. Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert. Those are the guys I look at who are telling me pretty much the truth. And they throw humor into it which makes it much more interesting to listen to. - Grace Slick 

41. My sense of humor is a turkey, and I pull it out of the oven and baste it in reality. - Tracy Morgan 

42. I want to show the world my humor. - Tracy Morgan 

43. If I had to describe my sense of humor, I would say it's contemporary wit, you know what I'm saying? - Tracy Morgan 

44. What a newspaper needs in its news, in its headlines, and on its editorial page is terseness, humor, descriptive power, satire, originality, good literary style, clever condensation, and accuracy, accuracy, accuracy! - Joseph Pulitzer 

45. When I teach the formal curriculum, I have the chance to think about it ahead of time. I can rehearse it. I can illustrate it with self-deprecating humor and humble-sounding personal disclosure. I can try to make it comes out just right. - John Ortberg 

46. There's humor in everything. There's gotta be humor in everything. - Amy Sedaris 

47. Bad humor is an evasion of reality; good humor is an acceptance of it. - Malcolm Muggeridge 

48. There is a collective as well as an individual humor inclining peoples to sadness or cheerfulness, making them see things in bright or somber lights. In fact, only society can pass a collective opinion on the value of human life; for this the individual is incompetent. - Emile Durkheim 

49. In Buddhism, they say attachment to anything only leads to suffering. So when we laugh, it's our way of saying, 'I'm unattached to that.' You're tickled by it, it makes your lobes do something on their own. So humor is very important to me. I always take that to the stage first. - Jason Mraz 

50. When humor works, it works because it's clarifying what people already feel. It has to come from someplace real. - Tina Fey 

51. The only way I could get comfortable around people was to make them laugh. I was an obedient girl, and humor was my one form of rebellion. I used comedy to deflect. Like, 'Hey, check out my zit!' - you know, making fun of yourself before someone else has a chance to. - Tina Fey 

52. My life is part humor, part roses, part thorns. - Bret Michaels 

53. I could not tread these perilous paths in safety, if I did not keep a saving sense of humor. - Horatio Nelson 

54. I like art with a sense of humor. I don't have a huge art education to understand everything. I don't think that means that art has to be watered down to the lowest common denominator, though. I don't think you have to go to college to be able appreciate great art, but I like art that doesn't take itself too seriously. - Kathleen Hanna 

55. Never make a joke or try for humor at someone else's expense. In a high-stakes environment, everyone needs to feel safe. - Alan Mulally 

56. Things can be funny only when we are in fun. When we're 'dead earnest,' humor is the only thing that is dead. - Flip Wilson 

57. I have my outlet for my humor through my characters, and I also have the intimacy of rapport with my fans that allows me to explain my philosophy and spirituality. - Flip Wilson 

58. Confidence is at the root of so many attractive qualities, a sense of humor, a sense of style, a willingness to be who you are no matter what anyone else might think or say and it's true, I do have a certain fondness for women that have dark hair. - Wentworth Miller 

59. I think in my case, I had no choice but to have a good sense of humor. I grew up with my dad, Danny Thomas, and George Burns and Bob Hope and Milton Berle and Sid Caesar and all those guys were at our house all the time and telling jokes and making each other laugh. - Marlo Thomas 

60. The rejection that we all take and the sadness and the aggravation and the loss of jobs and all of the things that we live through in our lives, without a sense of humor, I don't know how people make it. - Marlo Thomas

61. I don't understand how somebody wouldn't have a sense of humor about themselves. - John Malkovich 

62. Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that's beautiful. - Rashida Jones

 63. A lot of stars don't have a sense of humor. - Kathy Griffin 

64. It's great to be able to connect parents with children both emotionally and through humor. I look forward to exploring family entertainment once again and examining the specifics of our day-to-day lives against the backdrop of an extraordinary adventure. - Jon Favreau 

65. I can't begin to tell you how fulfilling the perennial nature of 'Elf' on television has been for me. It's great to be able to connect parents with children both emotionally and through humor. - Jon Favreau 

66. The ultimate storyteller is Shakespeare, who was able to get the 'groundlings' to laugh at his bawdy humor and storylines but could still be studied by scholars to this day for the complexity of his language, meter, and symbolism. That's the real guy. - Jon Favreau 

67. Humor, for me, is really a gate of departure. It's a way of enticing a reader into a poem so that less funny things can take place later. It really is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. - Billy Collins 

68. There's something very authentic about humor, when you think about it. Anybody can pretend to be serious. But you can't pretend to be funny. - Billy Collins 

69. Anyone who knows me, and most of my fans, know that I have a sense of humor. - Glenn Danzig 

70. I come from a family of teasers myself. My grandfather was from Liverpool, and he had a dry sense of humor, and he would tease us terribly. My brother Beau was so skilled in his teasing that he could get a rise out of me by simply pointing at me. - Jeff Bridges 

71. Sometimes when I try to make jokes or have a sense of humor in interviews, it doesn't go over very well. But Twitter made my life easier in this way that I didn't expect. It would have taken probably 10 times as long for people to accept my voice and my sense of humor if I didn't have Twitter. - Anna Kendrick

72. What we're doing is fun - if you have any sense of humor at all! - Calvin Klein 

73. I think there's something about the Irish experience - that we had to have a sense of humor or die. - Frank McCourt 

74. That's what kept us going - a sense of absurdity, rather than humor. - Frank McCourt 

75. For some reason, I had a responsibility to my family and the people who lived around me. I felt that I had to convey their dignity - the way they dealt with adversity and poverty - and their good humor. - Frank McCourt 

76. I feel like I don't really have a sense of humor... I don't know if I could characterize it dark or light. I just - I do like humor. - Sandra Oh 

77. Broadway's never my end goal because of the plays I write. These are tough plays. Of course there's a lot of humor, but my goal is just to reach as wide an audience as possible, however that happens. - Lynn Nottage 

78. Mixing humor and politics is something that works. - Bryan Cranston 

79. Humor is a wonderful way to deal with our suffering because if we can laugh at our troubles, we can feel better. Thich Nhat Hanh is a special man who has helped millions with their suffering with incredible technique. But he doesn't know real suffering, because he has not dated as much as I have. - Garry Shandling 

80. If you're that hypersensitive about color and don't have a sense of humor, don't marry out of your race. - Laura Schlessinger 

81. You either have chemistry or you don't, but a lot of what attracts me is a guy's mind and humor and talent. I need to get to know all those things before I fall for someone. - Nina Dobrev 

82. My parents have always had a great sense of humor. And I really appreciate good humor in songs, witty lyrics that sneak up on you and then you listen again, and say: 'That's so funny.' John Prine's songs have always had this really witty tone. - Kacey Musgraves 

83. Somebody says, 'Do a Tom Bodett, a folksy kind of thing,' and it sounds like something out of 'Hee Haw,' very insulting. They turn wry humor into disparaging sarcasm, and you get what amounts to insulting advertising. - Tom Bodett 

84. I love poking fun at myself. I have a rather mean sense of humor. - Alton Brown 

85. 'Blithe Spirit' is played almost all over Britain somewhere at all times because it is such a unique and ridiculously funny show. But it's also, in fact, under those layers of humor, a very serious show. It's quite misogynistic. - Angela Lansbury 

86. Bringing humor and bringing happiness and joy to an audience is a wonderful opportunity in life, believe me. - Angela Lansbury 

87. There are just certain things that turn my head. It may be a girl's sense of humor, it may be her wit, or her belief system; it could be a lot of different things. - Jensen Ackles 

88. Sometimes I used to think to myself, 'Have I lost a sense of humor?' but I don't think that I have. I think one can be as snarky and sarcastic as lots of people, but I have never found that it makes me particularly happy. - Kenneth Branagh 

89. As far as how I approach the humor, I think the best comedy is going to happen when I'm myself and act organically to a news item or situation. - Nikki Glaser 

90. All my relatives and friends have been pretty aware of my brand of humor for a while, so none of them have been shocked. - Nikki Glaser 

91. I like guys with a sense of humor who smile a lot and are kind. - Nikki Glaser 

92. ESPN is all meat and potatoes. It's pretty much scouting reports. There isn't a great deal of humor, and when there is, it's pretty sophomoric. - Frank Deford 

93. I think there are more good sportswriters doing more good sports writing than ever before. But I also believe that the one thing that's largely gone out is what made sport such fertile literary territory - the characters, the tales, the humor, the pain, what Hollywood calls 'the arc.' - Frank Deford 

94. I wore goofy hats to school and did musical theater. Most people thought I was a dork. But if you have a sense of humor about it, no one can bring you down. - Zac Efron 

95. And for my family, comedically, that was the key to a lot of the humor. - Damon Wayans 

96. Without a sense of humor, I would have been gone a long time ago. - Patty Duke 

97. Justice Scalia was a lion of the law. Agree or disagree with him, all of his colleagues on the bench shared his wisdom and his humor. And like them, I miss him. - Neil Gorsuch 

98. A woman has to be intelligent, have charm, a sense of humor, and be kind. It's the same qualities I require from a man. - Catherine Deneuve 

99. Humor's always been the problem of my work, hasn't it? When working, I feel satisfied when I surprise myself. And when I surprise myself, I wind up laughing. - Kara Walker 

100. I think luck is a great part of it because I think that the particular makeup of the person that you are attracted to, and that you fall in love with, is very important. Even down to that old bromide of a sense of humor and all of that. - Jack Lemmon

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