50 Instagram Customer Relationship Quotes

1. Quality, is job one. - Ford Company 

2. Make a customer, not a sale. - Katherine Barchetti 

3. Good service is good business. - Siebel Ad 

4. Don’t find fault. Find a remedy. - Henry Ford 

5. He profits most who serves best. - Arthur F. Sheldon 

6. Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin 

7. Customer service is the new marketing. - Derek Sivers 

8. Always do more than is required of you. - George Patton 

9. Politeness goes far, yet costs nothing. - Samuel Smiles 

10. Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge 

11. Make the customer the hero of your story. - Ann Handley 

12. I won't complain. I just won't come back. - Unknown 

13. The customer’s perception is your reality. - Kate Zabriskie 

14. Every great business is built on friendship. - JC Penney 

15. Good leaders must first become good servants. - Robert Greenleaf 

16. There are no traffic jams along the extra mile. - Roger Staubach 

17. Seek first to understand. Then to be understood. - Stephen Covey 

18. Customers are an investment. Maximize your return. - Unknown 

19. Never underestimate the power of the irate customer. - Joel Ross 

20. When the customer comes first, the customer will last. - Robert Half 

21. Let me pass, I have to follow them, I am their leader. - Alexandra Ledru-Rollin 

22. Customer service isn’t a department, it’s a philosophy! - Shep Hyken 

23. To keep a customer demands as much skill as to win one. - American Proverb 

24. Focusing on the customer makes a company more resilient. - Jeff Bezos 

25. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. - Will Rogers 

50 Instagram Customer Relationship Quotes Canva Template

26. If we don’t take care of our customers, someone else will. - Unknown 

27. Serve your customer to make your company strong. - Anonymous 

28. It’s easier to love a brand when the brand loves you back. - Seth Godin 

29. People expect good service but few are willing to give it. - Robert Gately 

30. Good customer service costs less than bad customer service. - Sally Gronow 

31. Go beyond merely communicating to ‘connecting’ with people. - Jerry Bruckner 

32. Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn. - Unknown 

33. Maybe 'Customer Service' should be more than one department. - SAP Ad 

34. The quality of our work depends on the quality of our people. - Unknown 

35. A customer service apology is stronger with a personal touch. - Shep Hyken 

36. The only purpose of ‘customer service’ is to change feelings. - Seth Godin 

37. Unless you have 100% customer satisfaction, you must improve. - Horst Schulz 

38. The customer experience is the next competitive battleground. - Jerry Gregoire 

39. Customers who don't get support become someone else's customers. - Brigade Ad 

40. Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. - Bill Gates 

41. Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us. - Earl Nightingale 

42. Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless. - Jeffrey Gitomer 

43. Without great employees you can never have great customer service. - Richard F. Gerson 

44. Your customers expect your entire operation to revolve around them. - SAP Ad 

45. Repeat business or behavior can be bribed. Loyalty has to be earned. - Janet Robinson 

46. Treat every customer as if they sign your paycheck … because they do. - Unknown 

47. Washrooms will always tell if your company cares about its customers. - Unknown 

48. The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said. - Peter Drucker 

49. Be everywhere, do everything, and never fail to astonish the customer. - Macy's Motto 

50. If you don’t genuinely like your customers, chances are they won’t buy. - Tom Watson

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