Top 100 Amazing Women Quotes Vol.03

1. It is obvious that discrimination exists. Women do not have the opportunities that men do. And women that do not conform to the system, who try to break with the accepted patterns, are stigmatized as odd and unfeminine. - Shirley Chisholm 

2. There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers. - Susan B. Anthony 

3. It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people - women as well as men. - Susan B. Anthony 

4. Men and women aren't the same. And they won't be the same. That doesn't mean that they can't be treated fairly. - Jordan Peterson

5. Decisiveness is a characteristic of high-performing men and women. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all. - Brian Tracy 

6. We women of America tell you that America is not a democracy. Twenty million women are denied the right to vote. - Alice Paul 

7. Make women rational creatures, and free citizens, and they will quickly become good wives; - that is, if men do not neglect the duties of husbands and fathers. - Mary Wollstonecraft 

8. Men and women must be educated, in a great degree, by the opinions and manners of the society they live in. - Mary Wollstonecraft 

9. Children, I grant, should be innocent; but when the epithet is applied to men, or women, it is but a civil term for weakness. - Mary Wollstonecraft 

10. If the abstract rights of man will bear discussion and explanation, those of women, by a parity of reasoning, will not shrink from the same test. - Mary Wollstonecraft 

11. Intersectionality is an analytic sensibility, a way of thinking about identity and its relationship to power. Originally articulated on behalf of black women, the term brought to light the invisibility of many constituents within groups that claim them as members but often fail to represent them. - Kimberle Williams Crenshaw 

12. Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship. - Oscar Wilde 

13. The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife. - Theodore Roosevelt 

14. Yes, we become stronger when men and women, young and old, gay and straight, native-born and immigrant fight together to create the kind of country we all know we can become. - Bernie Sanders 

15. Finally, let us understand that when we stand together, we will always win. When men and women stand together for justice, we win. When black, white and Hispanic people stand together for justice, we win. - Bernie Sanders 

16. Every day, I wake up determined to deliver a better life for the people all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored, and abandoned. I have visited the laid-off factory workers and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals. These are the forgotten men and women of our country. - Donald Trump 

17. It is generally recognized that women are better than men at languages, personal relations and multi-tasking, but less good at map-reading and spatial awareness. It is therefore not unreasonable to suppose that women might be less good at mathematics and physics. - Stephen Hawking 

18. Women must pay for everything. They do get more glory than men for comparable feats, but, they also get more notoriety when they crash. - Amelia Earhart 

19. Aviation offered such fun as crossing the continent in planes large and small, trying the whirling rotors of an autogiro, making record flights. With these activities came opportunity to know women everywhere who shared my conviction that there is so much women can do in the modern world and should be permitted to do irrespective of their sex. - Amelia Earhart 

20. Women, we might as well be dogs baying the moon as petitioners without the right to vote! - Susan B. Anthony 

21. The glory of justice and the majesty of law are created not just by the Constitution - nor by the courts - nor by the officers of the law - nor by the lawyers - but by the men and women who constitute our society - who are the protectors of the law as they are themselves protected by the law. - Robert Kennedy 

22. Once you get a spice in your home, you have it forever. Women never throw out spices. The Egyptians were buried with their spices. I know which one I'm taking with me when I go. - Erma Bombeck 

23. Women deeply want men who are competent and powerful. And I don't mean power in that they can exert tyrannical control over others. That's not power. That's just corruption. - Jordan Peterson 

24. It's always wonderful to get to know women, with the mystery and the joy and the depth. If you can make a woman laugh, you're seeing the most beautiful thing on God's Earth. - Keanu Reeves 

25. The women's movement had already paved the way, I think, for my coming. - Sally Ride 

26. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal. - Elizabeth Cady Stanton 

27. What is sad for women of my generation is that they weren't supposed to work if they had families. What were they going to do when the children are grown - watch the raindrops coming down the window pane? - Jackie Kennedy 

28. Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then. - Katharine Hepburn 

29. I decided blacks should not have to experience the difficulties I had faced, so I decided to open a flying school and teach other black women to fly. - Bessie Coleman 

30. If women be educated for dependence; that is, to act according to the will of another fallible being, and submit, right or wrong, to power, where are we to stop? - Mary Wollstonecraft 

31. Women have seldom sufficient employment to silence their feelings; a round of little cares, or vain pursuits frittering away all strength of mind and organs, they become naturally only objects of sense. - Mary Wollstonecraft 

32. Women are degraded by the propensity to enjoy the present moment, and, at last, despise the freedom which they have not sufficient virtue to struggle to attain. - Mary Wollstonecraft 

33. Women absolutely deserve respect. - Aretha Franklin 

34. I gotta be honest with you. I'm kind of jealous of the way my dad gets to talk to my mom sometimes. Where are all those old-school women you can just take your day out on? When did they stop making those angels? - Bill Burr 

35. Deprived of meaningful work, men and women lose their reason for existence; they go stark, raving mad. - Fyodor Dostoevsky 

36. Men make the moral code and they expect women to accept it. They have decided that it is entirely right and proper for men to fight for their liberties and their rights, but that it is not right and proper for women to fight for theirs. - Emmeline Pankhurst 

37. The negro has suffered far more from the commission of this crime against the women of his race by white men than the white race has ever suffered through his crimes. - Ida B. Wells 

38. On Earth, men and women are taking the same risks. Why shouldn't we be taking the same risks in space? - Valentina Tereshkova 

39. A bird cannot fly with one wing only. Human space flight cannot develop any further without the active participation of women. - Valentina Tereshkova 

40. African women in general need to know that it's OK for them to be the way they are - to see the way they are as a strength, and to be liberated from fear and from silence. - Wangari Maathai 

41. Write in such a way as that you can be readily understood by both the young and the old, by men as well as women, even by children. - Ho Chi Minh 

42. Women's art, political art - those categorisations perpetuate a certain kind of marginality which I'm resistant to. But I absolutely define myself as a feminist. - Barbara Kruger 

43. I think there was a time in my life, probably in college, that I wished every guy was gay because it meant more women for me! I don't know what everyone's problem with it is. I wish everyone was gay! That's always the way I thought about it. I have no issue with it. If I have to suffer through marriage, why shouldn't they? - Donald Trump, Jr. 

44. My parents met at Fort Riley, Kan., during World War II. My father was an Army civilian; he had been trampled by a horse in his youth and couldn't enlist. My mother was studying to be a nurse and, when war broke out, joined the Women's Army Corps without even telling her parents. - Marillyn Hewson 

45. You can't forget that organizational success flows from the hearts and minds of the men and women you lead. Rather than treating your people as you'd like to be treated, treat them as they would like to be treated. Small gestures like opting for face-to-face meetings or sending personal notes can have an enormous impact on teams and their morale. - Marillyn Hewson 

46. Women are repeatedly accused of taking things personally. I cannot see any other honest way of taking them. - Marya Mannes 

47. If American men are obsessed with money, American women are obsessed with weight. The men talk of gain, the women talk of loss, and I do not know which talk is the more boring. - Marya Mannes 

48. We believe women have rights in Islam that they've yet to obtain. - Mohammad bin Salman 

49. Men are sort of doofuses about sunscreen, and for the most part, women are more inclined to take better care of themselves, but a reminder is always good for everyone. - Landon Donovan 

50. If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves? - Mary Astell 

51. Nuanced debate can't stand up to a guy who's calling women pigs and retweeting white supremacists. - Hasan Minhaj 

52. I'm a family doctor, and a big part of what I do is preventative care, and breast cancer is one of the illnesses that women suffer from greatly in this country. - Mikhail Varshavski 

53. As a woman, I have access to hit women in a way that men might not be able to hit them with jokes. I don't mean physically hit. But you know, because I'm a woman, I can say things about women because I know what it's like to be a woman, if that makes any sense. - Michelle Wolf 

54. Anorexia and bulimia seem to be getting much more common in boys, men, and women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds; they are also becoming more common in racial groups previously thought to be impervious to the problem. - Marya Hornbacher 

55. Young women, adolescent girls, are more subject to infection, sometimes at a rate of six times that of boys. That tells you a lot about the vulnerability of women. - Stephen Lewis 

56. Critics often say, 'Oh she makes films about strong women'. Wrong; I make films about complex characters and the choices they make. - Gillian Armstrong 

57. To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea. - Henry David Thoreau 

58. Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance. - Oscar Wilde 

59. Women are never disarmed by compliments. Men always are. That is the difference between the sexes. - Oscar Wilde 

60. All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. - Oscar Wilde 

61. I see when men love women. They give them but a little of their lives. But women when they love give everything. - Oscar Wilde 

62. Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them, they will forgive us everything, even our gigantic intellects. - Oscar Wilde 

63. Men marry because they are tired; women, because they are curious; both are disappointed. - Oscar Wilde 

64. 'The Lady's World' should be made the recognized organ for the expression of women's opinions on all subjects of literature, art and modern life, and yet it should be a magazine that men could read with pleasure. - Oscar Wilde 

65. I have thought a sufficient measure of civilization is the influence of good women. - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

66. As far as I knew white women were never lonely, except in books. White men adored them, Black men desired them and Black women worked for them. - Maya Angelou 

67. The sadness of the women's movement is that they don't allow the necessity of love. See, I don't personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed. - Maya Angelou 

68. I'm interested in women's health because I'm a woman. I'd be a darn fool not to be on my own side. - Maya Angelou 

69. Encouragement to all women is - let us try to offer help before we have to offer therapy. That is to say, let's see if we can't prevent being ill by trying to offer a love of prevention before illness. - Maya Angelou 

70. We are braver and wiser because they existed, those strong women and strong men... We are who we are because they were who they were. It's wise to know where you come from, who called your name. - Maya Angelou 

71. Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow. - Friedrich Nietzsche 

72. Genteel women suppose that those things do not really exist about which it is impossible to talk in polite company. - Friedrich Nietzsche 

73. Behind all their personal vanity, women themselves always have an impersonal contempt for woman. - Friedrich Nietzsche 

74. Stupid as a man, say the women: cowardly as a woman, say the men. Stupidity in a woman is unwomanly. - Friedrich Nietzsche 

75. It is the most sensual men who need to flee women and torment their bodies. - Friedrich Nietzsche 

76. Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, shall win my love. - William Shakespeare 

77. Men's vows are women's traitors! - William Shakespeare 

78. Women may fall when there's no strength in men. - William Shakespeare 

79. Too often the great decisions are originated and given form in bodies made up wholly of men, or so completely dominated by them that whatever of special value women have to offer is shunted aside without expression. - Eleanor Roosevelt 

80. The battle for the individual rights of women is one of long standing and none of us should countenance anything which undermines it. - Eleanor Roosevelt 

81. The six people who had the biggest impact on my life were all women. Had I been sexist, my life would have been far less fulfilling. - Zig Ziglar 

82. I seldom read anything that is not of a factual nature because I want to invest my time wisely in the things that will improve my life. Don't misunderstand; there is nothing wrong with reading purely for the joy of it. Novels have their place, but biographies of famous men and women contain information that can change lives. - Zig Ziglar 

83. Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size. - Virginia Woolf 

84. The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself. - Virginia Woolf 

85. If one could be friendly with women, what a pleasure - the relationship so secret and private compared with relations with men. Why not write about it truthfully? - Virginia Woolf

86. Why are women... so much more interesting to men than men are to women? - Virginia Woolf 

87. The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity. - Virginia Woolf 

88. This is an important book, the critic assumes, because it deals with war. This is an insignificant book because it deals with the feelings of women in a drawing-room. - Virginia Woolf 

89. Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have. - Ronald Reagan 

90. Nothing can be more absurd than the practice that prevails in our country of men and women not following the same pursuits with all their strengths and with one mind, for thus, the state instead of being whole is reduced to half. - Plato 

91. Low-income people, racial or ethnic minorities, pregnant women, seniors, people with special needs, people in rural areas - they all have a much harder time accessing a dentist than other groups of Americans. - Bernie Sanders 

92. If you ask me about my views on the environment, on women's rights, on gay rights, I am liberal. I don't have a problem with that at all. Some of my best friends are liberal. - Bernie Sanders 

93. I am not aware how you succeed politically when you insult women, who far more than men consistently provide you with great margins of support. - Bernie Sanders 

94. All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected. - Donald Trump 

95. I have women working in high positions. I was one of the first people to put women in charge of big construction jobs. And, you know, I've had a great relationship with women. - Donald Trump 

96. I do respect them; I have great respect for women. In fact, one of the reasons 'The Apprentice' was such a successful show for so many years, the audience of women was fantastic. - Donald Trump 

97. What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now. - Donald Trump 

98. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God. - Donald Trump 

99. I have always had a talent for irritating women since I was fourteen. - Marilyn Monroe 

100. Black men don't like to be called 'boys,' but women accept being called 'girls.' - Marilyn Monroe

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