1. The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. - Richard Bach
2. To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there. - Barbara Bush
3. The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family. - Lee Iacocca
4. A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss... That's the trade-off. But I'll take it all. - Brad Pitt
5. A happy family is but an earlier heaven. - George Bernard Shaw
6. A man should never neglect his family for business. - Walt Disney
7. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. - Khalil Gibran
8. Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you. - Khalil Gibran
9. The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going. - George Carlin
10. The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended-and not to take a hint when a hint isn't intended. - Robert Frost
11. Little children are still the symbol of the eternal marriage between love and duty. - George Eliot
12. You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. - Desmond Tutu
13. Family quarrels are bitter things. They don't go according to any rules. They're not like aches or wounds, they're more like splits in the skin that won't heal because there's not enough material. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
14. If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. - A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
15. I have frequently been questioned, especially by women, of how I could reconcile family life with a scientific career. Well, it has not been easy. - Marie Curie
16. A family is a place where principles are hammered and honed on the anvil of everyday living. - Charles R. Swindoll
17. Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship. - Margaret Mead
18. Rarely do members of the same family grow up under the same roof. - Richard Bach
19. The family is one of nature's masterpieces. - George Santayana
20. I think togetherness is a very important ingredient to family life. - Barbara Bush
21. Cherish your human connections - your relationships with friends and family. - Barbara Bush
22. Happy or unhappy, families are all mysterious. We have only to imagine how differently we would be described - and will be, after our deaths - by each of the family members who believe they know us. - Gloria Steinem
23. The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I'm thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes. They restore my faith in the family's future. - Jackie Kennedy
24. Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they're eating sandwiches. - Jim Carrey
25. Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back. - John Ruskin
26. The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself. - Gilbert K. Chesterton
27. Having family responsibilities and concerns just has to make you a more understanding person. - Sandra Day O'Connor
28. The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish. - Pope John Paul II
29. He who is overly attached to his family members experiences fear and sorrow, for the root of all grief is attachment. Thus one should discard attachment to be happy. - Chanakya
30. Tennis just a game, family is forever. - Serena Williams
31. There is no such thing as fun for the whole family. - Jerry Seinfeld
32. First and foremost comes my family and my life with Brad. We have so much joy in raising our children and teaching them about the world that nothing really compares to that. - Angelina Jolie
33. Family is the most important thing in the world. - Princess Diana
34. What must it be like for a little boy to read that daddy never loved mummy? - Princess Diana
35. As a general thing, when a woman wears the pants in a family, she has a good right to them. - Josh Billings
36. Children are the keys of paradise. - Eric Hoffer
37. The family is the nucleus of civilization. - Will Durant
38. I'm pretty much a good Catholic girl at heart and I believe in family. I also have a basic belief that God takes care of me. I believe in prayer, even though I'm not that religious. I just have that foundation from my family. I mean when you think that you're just a human being and one of God's creatures, you can't take anything that seriously. - Catherine O'Hara
39. Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not. - James Joyce
40. My kids give me the balance to live right. - Celine Dion
41. It is extraordinary that when you are acquainted with a whole family you can forget about them. - Gertrude Stein
42. When I was younger, my family would go camping and fishing on our ranches. My dad loves being around all kinds of animals. He's the one who got me to be a really big animal lover. - Paris Hilton
43. Happy is said to be the family which can eat onions together. They are, for the time being, separate, from the world, and have a harmony of aspiration. - Charles Dudley Warner
44. Family is not an important thing. It's everything. - Michael J. Fox
45. I am the baby in the family, and I always will be. I am actually very happy to have that position. But I still get teased. I don't mind that. - Janet Jackson
46. Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. - Virginia Satir
47. America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home. - Mitt Romney
48. I am the family face; flesh perishes, I live on. - Thomas Hardy
49. Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family. - Bo Bennett
50. I love children and I get along with them great. It's just that I believe if you're going to be a parent, there has to be something inside you that says, 'I want a family.' I don't feel that sense of urgency. - George Clooney
51. The family is the first essential cell of human society. - Pope John XXIII
52. I don't have to look up my family tree, because I know that I'm the sap. - Fred Allen
53. You don't have to give birth to someone to have a family. - Sandra Bullock
54. Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops. - Cary Grant
55. Women's natural role is to be a pillar of the family. - Grace Kelly
56. At a certain point I'm going to want to have a family. - Gwen Stefani
57. For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands. - Christina Rossetti
58. People are pretty forgiving when it comes to other people's families. The only family that ever horrifies you is your own. - Douglas Coupland
59. It's very strange that most people don't care if their knowledge of their family history only goes back three generations. - Douglas Coupland
60. Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold. - Andre Maurois
61. When you start about family, about lineage and ancestry, you are talking about every person on earth. - Alex Haley
62. In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future. - Alex Haley
63. I believe the world is one big family, and we need to help each other. - Jet Li
64. We'll sort of get over the marriage first and then maybe look at the kids. But obviously we want a family so we'll have to start thinking about that. - Prince William
65. I would rather start a family than finish one. - Don Marquis
66. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. - David Ogden Stiers
67. When you have a godly husband, a godly wife, children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents, who provide for those children their physical and spiritual and material needs, lovingly, you have the ideal unit. - Jerry Falwell
68. A family can develop only with a loving woman as its center. - Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
69. Dad kept us out of school, but school comes and goes. Family is forever. - Charlie Sheen
70. You leave home to seek your fortune and, when you get it, you go home and share it with your family. - Anita Baker
71. I'm not much of a family man. I'm just not that into it. I love kids, I adore them, but I don't want to live my life for them. - Sting
72. I never did quite fit the glamour mode. It is life with my husband and family that is my high now. - Patty Duke
73. The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege. - Charles Kuralt
74. My family is my strength and my weakness. - Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
75. I was born into the most remarkable and eccentric family I could possibly have hoped for. - Maureen O'Hara
76. My life comes down to three moments: the death of my father, meeting my husband, and the birth of my daughter. Everything I did previous to that just doesn't seem to add up to very much. - Gwyneth Paltrow
77. We went to church every Sunday. When I was a kid, the only time I sang was around my family. - Darius Rucker
78. A home with a loving and loyal husband and wife is the supreme setting in which children can be reared in love and righteousness and in which the spiritual and physical needs of children can be met. - David A. Bednar
79. If we abandon marriage, we abandon the family. - Michael Enzi
80. There's nothing I value more than the closeness of friends and family, a smile as I pass someone on the street. - Willie Stargell
81. I grew up in a big family with a lot of kids around, and I definitely want to have children as well. - Heidi Klum
82. Family, nature and health all go together. - Olivia Newton-John
83. A woman should be home with the children, building that home and making sure there's a secure family atmosphere. - Mel Gibson
84. My family comes first. Maybe that's what makes me different from other guys. - Bobby Darin
85. I live quietly at home among my family and friends. - Antonio Tabucchi
86. I have a great family, I live an amazing life. - John Oates
87. I grew up in a family in which political issues were often discussed, and debated intensely. - Joseph Stiglitz
88. I stay in tune with my family and God. - Regina King
89. It's not that our family has no taste, it's just that our family's taste is inconsistent. - Dave Eggers
90. The foundation of family - that's where it all begins for me. - Faith Hill
91. A woman can take care of the family. It takes a man to provide structure, to provide stability. - Tom DeLay
92. My whole damn family was nice. I don't think I've imagined it. It's true. Maybe it has to do with being brought up as Christian Scientists. Half of my relatives were Readers or Practitioners in the church. - Henry Fonda
93. For all of those willing to help me start a family, I am flattered. I will let you know when I need your help. - Paula Abdul
94. I love all my fam. I have quite possibly the best dad, mom, and sister in the world. - Ryan Eggold
95. I don't know if I believe in marriage. I believe in family, love and children. - Penelope Cruz
96. Both within the family and without, our sisters hold up our mirrors: our images of who we are and of who we can dare to be. - Elizabeth Fishel
97. For me, nothing has ever taken precedence over being a mother and having a family and a home. - Jessica Lange
98. I am tortured when I am away from my family, from my children. I am horribly guilt-ridden. - Jessica Lange
99. I've always put my family first and that's just the way it is. - Jamie Lee Curtis
100. One of the things that binds us as a family is a shared sense of humor. - Ralph Fiennes