1. Emancipation of women has made them lose their mystery. - Grace Kelly 

2. People don't want to see women doing things they don't think women should do. - Joan Jett 

3. I would not send a poor girl into the world, ignorant of the snares that beset her path; nor would I watch and guard her, till, deprived of self-respect and self-reliance, she lost the power or the will to watch and guard herself. - Anne Bronte 

4. They say that women talk too much. If you have worked in Congress you know that the filibuster was invented by men. - Clare Boothe Luce 

5. In politics women type the letters, lick the stamps, distribute the pamphlets and get out the vote. Men get elected. - Clare Boothe Luce 

6. When men reach their sixties and retire, they go to pieces. Women go right on cooking. - Gail Sheehy 

7. Disguise our bondage as we will, 'Tis woman, woman, rules us still. - Thomas Moore 

8. I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness. - Sofia Vergara 

9. All women should know how to take care of children. Most of them will have a husband some day. - Franklin P. Jones 

10. After all those years as a woman hearing 'not thin enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not this enough, not that enough,' almost overnight I woke up one morning and thought, 'I'm enough.' - Anna Quindlen 

11. I am my own woman. - Evita Peron 

12. I demanded more rights for women because I know what women had to put up with. - Evita Peron 

13. Speaking very generally, I find that women are spiritually, emotionally, and often physically stronger than men. - Gary Oldman 

14. For women's tears are but the sweat of eyes. - Juvenal 1

5. Women have a favorite room, men a favorite chair. - Bernard Williams 

16. The sight of women talking together has always made men uneasy; nowadays it means rank subversion. - Germaine Greer 

17. The trouble with life is that there are so many beautiful women and so little time. - John Barrymore 

18. Women like to sit down with trouble - as if it were knitting. - Ellen Glasgow 

19. There is a physical relationship with a woman that you don't have with anybody else, but that's not about love. Love is a spiritual thing. - Ziggy Marley 

20. I'll always prefer to play with women and hang out with women, and I'll always be a feminist. - Courtney Love

 21. I think God made a woman to be strong and not to be trampled under the feet of men. I've always felt this way because my mother was a very strong woman, without a husband. - Little Richard 

22. But, alas! what poor Woman is ever taught that she should have a higher Design than to get her a Husband? - Mary Astell 

23. If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more audacious. - Alphonse Karr 

24. You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy. - Erica Jong 

25. Men and women, women and men. It will never work. - Erica Jong 

26. Women have a predestination to suffering. - Bela Lugosi 

27. A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born babe, and assures it of a mother's love. - Thomas Chandler Haliburton 

28. Women are frightening. If you get to 41 as a man, you're quite battle-scarred. - Hugh Grant 

29. Women think with their whole bodies and they see things as a whole more than men do. - Dorothy Day 

30. Women should try to increase their size rather than decrease it, because I believe the bigger we are, the more space we'll take up, and the more we'll have to be reckoned with. - Roseanne Barr 

31. I think today women are very scared to celebrate themselves, because then they just get labeled. - Charlize Theron 

32. I think that women just have a primeval instinct to make soup, which they will try to foist on anybody who looks like a likely candidate. - Dylan Moran

33. The No. 1 impediment to women succeeding in the workforce is now in the home. - Sheryl Sandberg 

34. Women don't take enough risks. Men are just 'foot on the gas pedal.' We're not going to close the achievement gap until we close the ambition gap. - Sheryl Sandberg 

35. In life, single women are the most vulnerable adults. In movies, they are given imaginary power. - Elizabeth Wurtzel 

36. The labor of women in the house, certainly, enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could; and in this way women are economic factors in society. But so are horses. - Charlotte Perkins Gilman 

37. I think women are excellent social critics. - Laurie Anderson 

38. The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet. - Adrienne Rich 

39. I believe women still face a glass ceiling that must be shattered. - Andrew Cuomo 

40. Women hear rhythm differently than men. - Elvis Costello 

41. I have been a woman for fifty years, and I've never yet been able to discover precisely what it is I am. - Jean Giraudoux 

42. When women are encouraged to be competitive, too many of them become disagreeable. - Benjamin Spock 

43. We're getting ready to take over the world. My group of girlfriends - we're renegades. - Lisa Bonet 

44. All issues are women's issues - and there are several that are just women's business. - Eddie Bernice Johnson 

45. Women may not have it easy, but we are given a fairer chance to reach for the top. - Jessica Savitch 

46. Were there no women, men might live like gods. - Thomas Dekker 

47. Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. - Charlotte Whitton 

48. You women could make someone fall in love even with a lie. - Georg Buchner 

49. Intimacies between women often go backwards, beginning in revelations and ending in small talk. - Elizabeth Bowen 

50. God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met. - Farrah Fawcett 

51. In love, women are professionals, men are amateurs. - Francois Truffaut 

52. Women with money and women in power are two uncomfortable ideas in our society. - Candace Bushnell 

53. It is little men know of women; their smiles and their tears alike are seldom what they seem. - Amelia Barr 

54. All women's issues are to some degree men's issues and all men's issues are to some degree women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. - Warren Farrell 

55. The women's movement completely changed attitudes all over the world in ways we'll never be able to count. - Holly Near 

56. Years ago women of my size were considered royalty. - Camryn Manheim 

57. There was a time when men thought it was sexy to have a housewife waiting for him to come home from work in her slippers, but in modern society, I think an independent woman is even more sexy. - Kat Graham

 58. What we women need to do, instead of worrying about what we don't have, is just love what we do have. - Cameron Diaz 

59. Women's value has been under-recognized for far too long. - Sidney Sheldon 

60. Relationships are made of talk - and talk is for girls and women. - Deborah Tannen 

61. A homely face and no figure have aided many women heavenward. - Minna Antrim 

62. Nature makes woman to be won and men to win. - George William Curtis 

63. The test of civilization is its estimate of women. - George William Curtis 

64. The house a woman creates is a Utopia. She can't help it - can't help trying to interest her nearest and dearest not in happiness itself but in the search for it. - Marguerite Duras 

65. I don't love dolls. I love women. I love their bodies. - John Galliano 

66. Women are women, and hurray for that. - John Galliano 

67. Women are incredible in groups together. Terrifying. Men have nothing on them. - Michael Hutchence 

68. Women today have more of an overview of their lives and how marriage is or is not a part of it. - Helen Reddy 

69. Women don't realize how powerful they are. - Judith Light 

70. Women have this obsession with shoes. - Alexandra Paul 

71. Until Eve arrived, this was a man's world. - Richard Armour 

72. Women need space and silence. We too quickly give away our energy. There's something about holding that richness. - Natalie Goldberg 

73. Women want love to be a novel, men a short story. - Daphne du Maurier 

74. And I think women have come a very, very long way, but they have a long way to go. - Lara Flynn Boyle 

75. America is a land where men govern, but women rule. - John Mason Brown 

76. You're not working with models, you're working with real women who have, like, anatomy. Models do not have anatomy. - Isaac Mizrahi 

77. I'm surrounded by very powerful women and very progressive men. - Christie Hefner 

78. The only people you can really share certain things with in secret are your girlfriends. - Shirley Knight 

79. Women often postpone their lives, thinking that if they're not with a partner then it doesn't really count. They're still searching for their prince, in a way. And as much as we don't discuss that, because it's too embarrassing and too sad, I think it really does exist. - Jane Campion 

80. One hair of a woman can draw more than a hundred pair of oxen. - James Howell 

81. A lot of women say they love being pregnant, but I wasn't such a big fan. - Marion Jones 

82. Women are the first to jump on what is fashionable. - Gavin DeGraw 

83. Being a sex symbol has to do with an attitude, not looks. Most men think it's looks, most women know otherwise. - Kathleen Turner 

84. I think women get caught up too much in having a plan - 'I'm going to get married at this age; I'm going to have a kid at this age' - and then they just try to find a guy who will fit into that picture. I don't want my life to be based on that. - Julia Stiles 

85. Women are the sustaining force of any society - they think of the children and the next generation's chances. - Margo MacDonald 

86. Most women are indulgent of themselves. This is a mistake. It should be only the reward of old age. - Anna Held 

87. A woman should be like a single flower, not a whole bouquet. - Anna Held 

88. Women like myself, CEOs, can pave the way for more women to get to the top. - Andrea Jung 

89. Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can't get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb. - Yul Brynner 

90. Women are clear-headed, they are more creative and for this reason, sometimes, also more fragile. - Emma Bonino 

91. My advantage as a woman and a human being has been in having a mother who believed strongly in women's education. She was an early undergraduate at Oxford, and her own mother was a doctor. - Antonia Fraser 

92. The term 'alpha female' originated in my field of animal behavior, but has acquired new meaning. It refers to women who are in charge, for example, by flirting and dating on their own terms. It is also used maliciously for a loud-mouthed, controlling woman who has no patience with deviating opinions. - Frans de Waal 

93. I always say God should have given women one extra decade at least, especially if you want a family. You're trying to pack a lot in. - Christine Baranski 

94. What bugs me is that movies don't reflect how interesting and vibrant women are. We don't treasure women as they get older. - Jill Clayburgh 

95. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. - William Shakespeare

96. There is a great stir about colored men getting their rights, but not a word about the colored women; and if colored men get their rights, and not colored women theirs, you see, the colored men will be masters over the women, and it will be just as bad as it was before. - Sojourner Truth 

97. Women like me aren't supposed to run for office. - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 

98. Women ought to have representatives, instead of being arbitrarily governed without any direct share allowed them in the deliberations of government. - Mary Wollstonecraft 

99. Women are nothing but machines for producing children. - Napoleon Bonaparte 

100. Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion. - Dwight D. Eisenhower