1. In the biblical worldview, the purpose of all creation is to benefit man. This anthropocentric view of nature, and indeed of the whole universe, is completely at odds with the current secular idealization of nature. This secular view posits that nature has its own intrinsic meaning and purpose, independent of man. - Dennis Prager
2. All of creation, in the biblical view, was to ultimately prepare the way for the creation of man. But one does not need the Bible alone to hold this view. A purely scientific reading of the universe is in keeping with this view. Everything - every natural and physical law - is exquisitely tuned to produce life, and ultimately man, on earth. - Dennis Prager
3. Given the unprecedented ignorance of the Bible in contemporary America, it is likely that more young Americans will only know the Noah of 'Noah.' We can only hope that the film offers even a fraction of the wisdom of the original. - Dennis Prager
4. With the demise of the biblical religions that have provided the American people with their core values since their country's inception, we are reverting to the pagan worldview. Trees and animals are venerated, while man is simply one more animal in the ecosystem - and largely a hindrance, not an asset. - Dennis Prager
5. There's nothing written in the Bible, Old or New testament, that says, 'If you believe in Me, you ain't going to have no troubles.' - Ray Charles
6. The Bible says that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. I believe that. Because I've seen it all work. - Tyler Perry
7. It was stumbling on to really the bible of the blues, you know, and a very powerful drug to be introduced to us and I absorbed it totally, and it changed my complete outlook on music. - Eric Clapton
8. My mother read me biblical stories at night. - Malcolm Gladwell
9. In my mid-adolescence, my friend Terry Martin and I became obsessed with William F. Buckley. This makes more sense when you realize that we were living in Bible Belt farming country miles from civilization. Buckley seemed impossibly exotic. - Malcolm Gladwell
10. Republican politicians often evoke the Bible when it suits their purposes. But they disregard some of its most important teachings when formulating policy. This includes the story of Noah's Ark. - Tom Steyer
11. Not only did we read a lot at home, we also watched a lot of films. So I had already seen a lot of films that were about the crucifixion and the temptation of Christ, like Bible history and the Ten Commandments - stuff like that. - Tobias Forge
12. I definitely believe that tormenting other people because of the Bible and for that to be - for lack of a better word, Gospel... I think that is not very nice. - Tobias Forge
13. I play dominoes all the way until I got Bible study. And then I do Bible study. I go to the game. After the game, come home. Dinner. Dominoes until I go to sleep. I'm. Not. Joking. - Jimmy Butler
14. I read Shakespeare and the Bible, and I can shoot dice. That's what I call a liberal education. - Tallulah Bankhead
15. George Washington understood that the Bible is the place where God's records of right and wrong are kept. - Randall Terry
16. If you want to understand Jesus, you have to study the whole Bible. Christian duty is not defined solely by the words in red. - Randall Terry
17. When I place my hand on the Bible and take the oath of office, that oath becomes my highest promise to God. - Mitt Romney
18. Continuous persecution of widows and orphans is a crime. Even the Bible says there is a specific place in hell for those who oppress widows. - Imelda Marcos
19. I was an altar boy. I could probably quote the Bible from beginning to end. - John McAfee
20. I believe that we should, on biblical grounds, tell all parents of mentally disabled children that God loves their children, regrets terribly that they are disabled, and will, when they die, carry them gently into a heavenly life where every person is forever whole. - Lewis B. Smedes
21. I take my Bible with me, sometimes two of them, when I travel. - Gabby Douglas
22. As I have studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon, I have come to know through the power of the Spirit of God, that these books contain the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. - Clayton M. Christensen
23. I have continued systematically to study the Book of Mormon and Bible to understand even more deeply what God expects of me and my family while on this earth. - Clayton M. Christensen
24. You need the past as a guideline. The history of music is a good basis, but to escape that stuff, that tortuous rulebook, you have to learn it first. It's kind of like religion - once you've written the Bible, that's it, move on. - John Lydon
25. The first syndicating I tried was when two partners and I created a production company in 1952. We wanted to syndicate famous Bible stories and sell them for $25 a show. - Casey Kasem
26. If poetry should address itself to the same needs and aspirations, the same hopes and fears, to which the Bible addresses itself, it might rival it in distribution. - Wallace Stevens
27. I have never sat down and studied the Bible, never consciously echoed its language, and am, in reality, as ignorant of it as most brought-up Christians. All of the Bible that I use in my work is remembered from childhood and is the common property of all who were brought up in English-speaking communities. - Dylan Thomas
28. I just find the evangelical church too, well, restrictive. But the School of Practical Philosophy is nonconfrontational. We believe there are many forms of Scripture. What is true is true and will never change, whether it's in the Bible or in Shakespeare. It's about oneness. - Hugh Jackman
29. The drive was brief and the conversation limited, but oh, what a legacy of love! Father never read to me from the Bible about the good Samaritan. Rather, he took me with him and Uncle Elias in that old 1928 Oldsmobile and provided a living lesson I have always remembered. - Thomas S. Monson
30. If the Bible had said that Jonah swallowed the whale, I would believe it. - William Jennings Bryan
31. I'm no longer religious, but the Bible fascinates me. Hardly anyone reads it anymore, but it's got everything: it's a book of poetry, it's a book of principle, it's a book of stories, and of myths and of epic tales, a book of histories and a book of fictions, of riddles, fables, parables and allegories. - Tara Westover
32. Anyone who grows up reading the Bible for spiritual reasons, you get accustomed to reading things that are too much for you, too profound for you... Having that belief that you should read them anyway gives you a great advantage over people who only read what they think they can understand. - Tara Westover
33. The Bible clearly says that when we have a problem with our brother, we are to go to them and try to resolve the situation. - Dave Ramsey
34. When I was young, I read the Bible, and I already knew what it meant to be the good guy - and look what happened to Jesus. So, I already understood that you get ridiculed for telling the truth, and I've always been aware of that. But, I'm a guy with confidence, and I'm not afraid. - Damon Dash
35. I do believe that Israel is covenant land. That's very controversial, but I read the Bible literally, and I believe that God gave them that land, all the way back to Deuteronomy. - James Dobson
36. Guys that preach verse-by-verse through books of the Bible - that is just cheating. It's cheating because that would be easy, first of all. That isn't how you grow people. No one in the Scripture modeled that. - Andy Stanley
37. The biblical texts that we Christians have used for centuries to justify our hostility toward the Jews need to be banished forever from the sacred writings of the Christian church. - John Shelby Spong
38. Plenty of people out there think of me as the Antichrist or the devil incarnate because I do not affirm the literal patterns of the Bible. But the fact is I can no more abandon the literal patterns than I could fly to the moon. I just go beyond them. - John Shelby Spong
39. When I grew up in the South, I was taught that segregation was the will of God, and the Bible was quoted to prove it. I was taught that women were by nature in inferior to men, and the Bible was quoted to prove it. I was taught that it was okay to hate other religions, and especially the Jews, and the Bible was quoted to prove it. - John Shelby Spong
40. I spend my life studying that book, and every book I've written has in some sense been a book about the Bible, and that's what I mean by reclaiming its value and its essence for a world that no longer treats it literally and no longer reads it traditionally. - John Shelby Spong
41. The Bible tells me that every life is holy; the Bible tells me that every life is loved; the Bible tells me that every life is called to be all that it can be. - John Shelby Spong
42. Perhaps the most telling witness against the claim of accurate history for the Bible comes when we read the earliest narrative of the crucifixion found in Mark's gospel and discover that it is not based on eyewitness testimony at all. - John Shelby Spong
43. The Bible interprets life from its particular perspective; it does not record in a factual way the human journey through history. - John Shelby Spong
44. The ultimate meaning of the Bible escapes human limits and calls us to a recognition that every life is holy, every life is loved, and every life is called to be all that that life is capable of being. - John Shelby Spong
45. We're in the last days, man - I truly, in my heart, believe that. It's written. I could go on with biblical situations and things my grandma told me. But it's about being at peace with myself and making good with the people around me. - Kendrick Lamar
46. The score is not a bible, and I am never afraid to dare. The music is behind those dots. - Vladimir Horowitz
47. I think of the Bible as an unauthorized biography. - John Prine
48. I can't really sit around and talk with people who believe that the Bible is the way it happened, because that's man-made. I'm a writer, too; that's how I look at the Bible. Like, 'I could've written a better version than that,' you know? At least a more interesting one, and then maybe more people would go to church. I could definitely do a revamp. - John Prine
49. I always go to church on Sundays and Bible study on Tuesdays. - Lil' Kim
50. There is a liberal fascism that is dedicated to going after believing Christians who follow the biblical teaching on marriage. - Ted Cruz
51. I am blessed to receive a word from God every day in receiving the scriptures and reading the scriptures. And God speaks through the Bible. - Ted Cruz
52. There's a verse in the Bible: 'Those who are barren have more children than those who give birth.' There are young people all over the world who come to me for advice and love. I have all the children I can handle. - Ginger Rogers
53. I don't leave home without my Skull candy Crushers. I don't leave home without my Bible, without my phone, and without my computer. - Kyrie Irving
54. I enjoy hanging out with friends, going on hikes and playing tennis. I also enjoy Bible study and making dinners. I have a pretty mellow life away from the water. - Bethany Hamilton
55. When I teach, I preach. I thump the Bible. I exhort my students morally. I talk to them about the dedicated life. - Annie Dillard
56. I was taught a lot of Bible at home and had a voracious appetite for reading the Bible. - Amy Grant
57. I will keep a Bible or Koran on me at all times - the Bible I can actually carry on my phone, and any hotel you go to has a Bible, but the Koran is harder. I keep a physical Koran in my guitar case and put it on the table in hotel rooms so after a day's work, I can read a few verses. - Rza
58. My mom gave me the children stories of the Bible. I memorized that book at the age of nine. - Rza
59. Biblical justice is the equitable application of God's moral law in society. - Tony Evans
60. You may have an older audience in front of you holding the Bible and a younger audience holding an iPhone. You don't want to lose either audience. - Tony Evans
61. Whenever my dad wasn't working, he'd take me along to pass out biblical tracts on street corners or in visits to the local prison. - Tony Evans
62. When I looked very closely to the Bible and to Jesus, this Christ who came, I discovered something awesome. I discovered that when He's first, then He places me in a second position that's above the class that I was given by other men. - Tony Evans
63. As Christians, we often tend to get our Bible doctrine confused and start mixing truths that were never meant to be mixed. - Tony Evans
64. If people are taught wrong, raised wrong, or haven't taken the Bible seriously enough, then they can go into academic error, emotional error, psychological error. - Tony Evans
65. The goal was not only to teach people the Bible and minister to people personally and spiritually, but also to build a church to be community focused. - Tony Evans
66. The Bible is pregnant with politics. You cannot read the Bible from Genesis through Revelation and go through too many chapters that are not involving politics. - Tony Evans
67. The more people marginalize the true God of the Bible, the more chaotic things become. - Tony Evans
68. You can't blame things for being dark if the light bulbs aren't working. So we're complaining about the darkness when the bulbs aren't working, and the Bible says that we are the light of the world. - Tony Evans
69. America was never officially a Christian nation, since neither Jesus Christ nor the Bible are mentioned in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. But there's no denying the influence Christianity has had on our country. - Tony Evans
70. Although all serious Christians recognize the importance that the Bible places on prayer, most fall short when it comes to doing it. - Tony Evans
71. A name is so important in biblical settings that Scripture frequently mentions God Himself changing someone's name to reflect a new reality. Abram, which means 'exalted father,' was changed to Abraham, meaning 'father of a multitude.' - Tony Evans
72. If all Christians and Jews tithed their income as the Bible commands, every poor person would be cared for, every naked person clothed, and every hungry person fed. - Ann Coulter
73. I loved fairy tales when I was a kid. Grimm. The grimmer the better. I loved gruesome gothic tales and, in that respect, I liked Bible stories, because to me they were very gothic. - Amy Tan
74. I grew up with Bible stories, which are like fairy tales, because my father was a minister. We heard verses and prayers every day. I liked the gorier Bible stories. I did have a book of Chinese fairy tales. All the people except the elders looked like Italians. But we were not a family that had fiction books. - Amy Tan
75. One of the bibles of my youth was 'Birds of the West Indies,' by James Bond, a well-known ornithologist, and when I was casting about for a name for my protagonist I thought, 'My God, that's the dullest name I've ever heard,' so I appropriated it. Now the dullest name in the world has become an exciting one. - Ian Fleming
76. The Christian Bible is a symbolic book, not a literal one. The one Christians know as Jesus was actually a symbol for the sun. Ancient sun worshippers believed the sun died at the end of the winter solstice and then three days later it would be reborn at the start of its cycle - December 25. - David Icke
77. God created man in His own image, says the Bible; philosophers reverse the process: they create God in theirs. - Georg C. Lichtenberg
78. I would even go to Washington, which is saying something for me, just to glimpse Jane Q. Public, being sworn in as the first female president of the United States, while her husband holds the Bible and wears a silly pill box hat and matching coat. - Anna Quindlen
79. My mother loved the Bible. - Goldie Hawn
80. Some quality performances and movies have a chance to be rewarded, but it's not like it's a bible. - Javier Bardem
81. I often say that if you want to really want to understand the contract of marriage, just ask anyone who has been divorced. The marriage contract is one of property rights. Or maybe you can look in the Bible to see what Adam had to say about divorce, since Eve was his second wife. - Harvey Fierstein
82. And well historically it's never been a good thing to compare yourself to biblical characters. - Daniel Radcliffe
83. According to the Bible, sex isn't something sinful, but rather a wonderful gift from God to be thoroughly enjoyed within the boundaries of marriage. - Ray Comfort
84. People cheer the Bible, buy the Bible, give the Bible, own the Bible - they just don't actually read the Bible. - John Ortberg
85. We call an obsession with having someone's approval 'co-dependency;' the Bible's word for it is idolatry. A country can be an idol. A family can be an idol. - John Ortberg
86. The Bible is the book of my life. It's the book I live with, the book I live by, the book I want to die by. - N. T. Wright
87. To get overprotective about particular readings of the Bible is always in danger of idolatry. - N. T. Wright
88. I didn't write much until I turned 40. Up until then I felt constrained by a sense of the discipline of New Testament studies and a sense of the ruling elite in theology and biblical studies. - N. T. Wright
89. One of the things I find depressing about some of the upper echelons of Anglicanism on both sides of the Atlantic is that it's sort of taken for granted that we all basically know what's in the Bible, and so we just glance at a few verses for devotional purposes and then get on to the real business. - N. T. Wright
90. My dad read the Bible ten times, and I want to do it in my lifetime. But it's definitely tough getting through. - Pamela Anderson
91. Carry your Bible and live by it. There's a better chance that you will stay married if that much is true for either one of you - male or female. - Phil Robertson
92. If your woman picks your ducks, and she cooks and carries her Bible... now there's the complete package of womanhood. - Phil Robertson
93. I told Miss Kay we need to make sure our children don't turn out like I turned out, so they were raised up around biblical instruction. That mixed with discipline - the discipline code, I call it. They just had a lifestyle of seeing their parents do good things. - Phil Robertson
94. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. - Phil Robertson
95. For me the greatest revenge of all is having a happy adulthood, waking up in my gorgeous turquoise bedroom in the morning beside a person who really inspires me. That's the best revenge a girl-loving girl from the Bible belt could possibly have. And, importantly, it's healthy. - Beth Ditto
96. We do the weigh-in, then go for a walk, then have breakfast, then I listen to worship songs on my iPod because I'm a Christian. I always read the same Bible verses, too. We do the same warm-up a lot of the time as well. But, I have no superstitions before a fight. - Katie Taylor
97. The Bible is my sport psychology manual. - Katie Taylor
98. I love David's attitude in the Bible. He wasn't afraid to go against the trends. He wasn't going to be defined by the opinions of others. - Victoria Osteen
99. After I set out to refute Christianity intellectually and couldn't, I came to the conclusion the Bible was true and Jesus Christ was God's Son. - Josh McDowell
100. Because the New Testament provides the primary historical source for information on the resurrection, many critics during the 19th century attacked the reliability of these biblical documents. - Josh McDowell